
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.


nilearn.experimental.plotting.plot_surf(surf_map, surf_mesh=None, bg_map=None, hemi='left', **kwargs)[source]

Plot surfaces with optional background and data.

surf_meshPathLike or list of two numpy.ndarray or Mesh Surface Mesh or PolyMesh

Can be:

  • a file (valid formats are .gii or Freesurfer specific files such as .orig, .pial, .sphere, .white, .inflated)

  • a list of two Numpy arrays, the first containing the x-y-z coordinates of the mesh vertices, the second containing the indices (into coords) of the mesh faces,

  • a Mesh object with “coordinates” and “faces” attributes.

  • a PolyMesh object

  • a SurfaceImage object

surf_mapPathLike or numpy.ndarray or SurfaceImage, optional

Data to be displayed on the surface mesh. Can be:

  • a file (valid formats are .gii, .mgz, .nii, .nii.gz, or Freesurfer specific files such as .thickness, .area, .curv, .sulc, .annot, .label)

  • a Numpy array with a value for each vertex of the surf_mesh

  • a SurfaceImage object.

bg_mapPathLike or numpy.ndarray or SurfaceImage, optional

Can be:

  • a file (valid formats are .gii, .mgz, .nii, .nii.gz, or Freesurfer specific files such as .thickness, .area, .curv, .sulc, .annot, .label)

  • a Numpy array with a value for each vertex of the surf_mesh

  • a SurfaceImage object.

Examples using nilearn.experimental.plotting.plot_surf

A short demo of the surface images & maskers

A short demo of the surface images & maskers