MegaTrawls Network Matrices HCP


See nilearn.datasets.fetch_megatrawls_netmats.



contains given input in dimensions used in fetching data.


contains given specific timeseries method used in fetching data.


contains given specific type of matrices name.


contains correlation network matrices data.


Contains network matrices data of two types, full correlation and partial correlation which were estimated using each subject specific timeseries signals extracted from group of ICA nodes or parcellations. In total, 461 functional connectivity datasets were used to obtain these matrices and is part of HCP Megatrawls release.

The number of nodes available for download are 25, 50, 100, 200, 300 with combination of two variants of timeseries extraction methods, multiple spatial regression (ts2) and eigen regression (ts3).

These matrices can be used to predict the relationships between subjects functional connectivity datasets and their behavioral measures. Both can be downloaded from HCP connectome website under conditions. See disclaimer below.

More information available in Smith et al.[1], Smith et al.[2], Filippini et al.[3], Smith et al.[4], and O’Reilly et al.[5].


Technical details

For more technical details about predicting the measures, refer to: Stephen Smith et al, HCP beta-release of the Functional Connectivity MegaTrawl. April 2015 “HCP500-MegaTrawl” release.


Terms and conditions

This is open access data. You must agree to Terms and conditions of using this data before using it, available at:

Open Access Data (all imaging data and most of the behavioral data) is available to those who register an account at ConnectomeDB and agree to the Open Access Data Use Terms. This includes agreement to comply with institutional rules and regulations. This means you may need the approval of your IRB or Ethics Committee to use the data. The released HCP data are not considered de-identified, since certain combinations of HCP Restricted Data (available through a separate process) might allow identification of individuals. Different national, state and local laws may apply and be interpreted differently, so it is important that you consult with your IRB or Ethics Committee before beginning your research. If needed and upon request, the HCP will provide a certificate stating that you have accepted the HCP Open Access Data Use Terms. Please note that everyone who works with HCP open access data must review and agree to these terms, including those who are accessing shared copies of this data. If you are sharing HCP Open Access data, please advice your co-researchers that they must register with ConnectomeDB and agree to these terms.

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