Decoding of a dataset after GLM fit for signal extraction

Full step-by-step example of fitting a GLM to perform a decoding experiment. In this decoding analysis, we will be doing a one-vs-all classification. We use the data from one subject of the Haxby dataset.

More specifically:

  1. Download the Haxby dataset.

  2. Extract the information to generate a glm representing the blocks of stimuli.

  3. Analyze the decoding performance using a classifier.

Fetch example Haxby dataset

We download the Haxby dataset This is a study of visual object category representation

# By default 2nd subject will be fetched
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from nilearn.datasets import fetch_haxby

haxby_dataset = fetch_haxby()

# repetition has to be known
t_r = 2.5
[get_dataset_dir] Dataset found in /home/runner/nilearn_data/haxby2001

Load the behavioral data

# Load target information as string and give a numerical identifier to each
behavioral = pd.read_csv(haxby_dataset.session_target[0], sep=" ")
conditions = behavioral["labels"].to_numpy()

# Record these as an array of runs
runs = behavioral["chunks"].to_numpy()
unique_runs = behavioral["chunks"].unique()

# fMRI data: a unique file for each run
func_filename = haxby_dataset.func[0]

Build a proper event structure for each run

events = {}
# events will take the form of a dictionary of Dataframes, one per run
for run in unique_runs:
    # get the condition label per run
    conditions_run = conditions[runs == run]
    # get the number of scans per run, then the corresponding
    # vector of frame times
    n_scans = len(conditions_run)
    frame_times = t_r * np.arange(n_scans)
    # each event last the full TR
    duration = t_r * np.ones(n_scans)
    # Define the events object
    events_ = pd.DataFrame(
            "onset": frame_times,
            "trial_type": conditions_run,
            "duration": duration,
    # remove the rest condition and insert into the dictionary
    events[run] = events_[events_.trial_type != "rest"]

Instantiate and run FirstLevelModel

We generate a list of z-maps together with their run and condition index

z_maps = []
conditions_label = []
run_label = []

# Instantiate the glm
from nilearn.glm.first_level import FirstLevelModel

glm = FirstLevelModel(

Run the GLM on data from each run

from nilearn.image import index_img

for run in unique_runs:
    # grab the fmri data for that particular run
    fmri_run = index_img(func_filename, runs == run)

    # fit the GLM, events=events[run])

    # set up contrasts: one per condition
    conditions = events[run].trial_type.unique()
    for condition_ in conditions:
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])
/home/runner/work/nilearn/nilearn/examples/02_decoding/ UserWarning: memory_level is currently set to 0 but a Memory object has been provided. Setting memory_level to 1., events=events[run])

Generating a report

Since we have already computed the FirstLevelModel and have the contrast, we can quickly create a summary report.

from nilearn.image import mean_img

mean_img_ = mean_img(func_filename, copy_header=True)
report = glm.generate_report(

This report can be viewed in a notebook.

Statistical Report - First Level Model Implement the General Linear Model for single run :term:`fMRI` data.


Data were analyzed using Nilearn (version= 0.11.2.dev243+gf74c4c5c0; RRID:SCR_001362).

At the subject level, a mass univariate analysis was performed with a linear regression at each voxel of the brain, using generalized least squares with a global ar1 noise model to account for temporal auto-correlation and a cosine drift model (high pass filter=0.008 Hz).

Regressors were entered into run-specific design matrices and onsets were convolved with a glover canonical hemodynamic response function for the following conditions:

  • scissors
  • house
  • face
  • scrambledpix
  • chair
  • shoe
  • bottle
  • cat

Input images were smoothed with gaussian kernel (full-width at half maximum=4 mm).

The following contrasts were computed using a fixed-effect approach across runs :

  • bottle
  • house
  • chair
  • scrambledpix
  • face
  • shoe
  • cat
  • scissors

Model details

drift_model cosine
high_pass (Hertz) 0.01
hrf_model glover
noise_model ar1
signal_scaling 0
slice_time_ref 0.0
smoothing_fwhm (mm) 4
standardize False
t_r (seconds) 2.5

Design Matrix

run 0

Plot of design matrix for 0.

correlation matrix

Plot of correlation of design matrix for run 0.


Plot of the contrast bottle (run 0).
Plot of the contrast house (run 0).
Plot of the contrast chair (run 0).
Plot of the contrast scrambledpix (run 0).
Plot of the contrast face (run 0).
Plot of the contrast shoe (run 0).
Plot of the contrast cat (run 0).
Plot of the contrast scissors (run 0).


Mask image

Statistical Maps


Stat map plot for the contrast: bottle
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 -54.25 13.12 5.62 6.49 98
2 29.75 -20.62 -24.38 6.49 836
2a 12.25 -20.62 -31.88 4.58
3 26.25 -20.62 -13.12 6.13 295
4 -36.75 -46.88 -46.88 6.11 147
5 43.75 -50.62 -5.62 6.03 1476
5a 47.25 -43.12 -1.88 4.74
5b 40.25 -28.12 -1.88 3.99
6 -1.75 -39.38 13.12 5.95 147
7 33.25 -43.12 -43.12 5.94 1181
7a 26.25 -35.62 -43.12 5.67
8 22.75 -54.38 -39.38 5.91 885
8a 8.75 -58.12 -39.38 4.15
9 -43.75 28.12 -9.38 5.90 196
10 -12.25 -24.38 -76.88 5.86 196
11 -19.25 -24.38 -43.12 5.80 590
11a -19.25 -31.88 -39.38 5.31
12 26.25 -46.88 -46.88 5.75 147
13 -57.75 -39.38 9.38 5.74 246
14 33.25 5.62 -13.12 5.69 442
14a 26.25 9.38 -16.88 5.46
15 22.75 -46.88 -61.88 5.68 442
16 19.25 -76.88 -13.12 5.60 590
17 22.75 -43.12 9.38 5.57 196
18 -29.75 9.38 -28.12 5.56 246
19 26.25 -69.38 -16.88 5.49 689
19a 36.75 -65.62 -13.12 4.91
19b 33.25 -58.12 -16.88 4.13
20 47.25 -24.38 -13.12 5.47 3248
20a 40.25 -35.62 -24.38 5.23
20b 33.25 -50.62 -20.62 4.80
20c 43.75 -16.88 -13.12 4.67
21 1.75 50.62 -16.88 5.46 295
22 -26.25 -16.88 -24.38 5.38 147
23 12.25 -84.38 -28.12 5.31 98
24 -29.75 -43.12 -50.62 5.30 442
25 1.75 -43.12 -1.88 5.29 98
26 -15.75 -28.12 -43.12 5.24 49
27 12.25 -13.12 -28.12 5.23 98
28 -47.25 -13.12 13.12 5.21 295
29 -19.25 -50.62 -39.38 5.19 639
29a -8.75 -35.62 -39.38 4.36
29b -12.25 -46.88 -39.38 3.96
30 -40.25 -35.62 -35.62 5.17 344
31 12.25 -28.12 -73.12 5.16 147
32 8.75 -50.62 -35.62 5.13 590
33 29.75 1.88 -9.38 5.11 98
34 19.25 -31.88 16.88 5.10 49
35 -1.75 -50.62 -39.38 5.08 98
36 -50.75 35.62 -16.88 5.08 196
37 -26.25 -54.38 46.88 5.06 98
38 -54.25 -31.88 -13.12 5.06 49
39 -8.75 -46.88 -65.62 5.05 295
40 1.75 -58.12 -24.38 5.05 98
41 -33.25 13.12 28.12 5.05 196
42 -12.25 5.62 -16.88 5.03 49
43 12.25 -58.12 -28.12 5.03 246
44 19.25 -43.12 -20.62 5.02 49
45 -26.25 -20.62 -13.12 5.02 98
46 -47.25 -39.38 -20.62 5.00 1082
46a -50.75 -39.38 -9.38 4.39
47 -40.25 -61.88 -16.88 4.99 295
48 5.25 -61.88 -20.62 4.97 246
49 -61.25 -5.62 20.62 4.96 98
50 40.25 16.88 -20.62 4.96 49
51 -26.25 -54.38 -46.88 4.95 49
52 -22.75 -58.12 -46.88 4.95 49
53 22.75 31.88 9.38 4.93 49
54 8.75 -16.88 46.88 4.93 49
55 -43.75 50.62 16.88 4.90 49
56 22.75 -20.62 -35.62 4.90 98
57 -29.75 -84.38 1.88 4.89 442
57a -36.75 -76.88 1.88 4.46
58 -40.25 -20.62 -31.88 4.83 49
59 -36.75 58.12 35.62 4.83 49
60 19.25 35.62 28.12 4.82 49
61 -1.75 -46.88 -24.38 4.81 147
62 33.25 -9.38 -58.12 4.80 49
63 -29.75 -58.12 -9.38 4.80 49
64 -36.75 -39.38 31.88 4.80 344
65 -15.75 -31.88 -61.88 4.80 49
66 -40.25 24.38 -9.38 4.78 49
67 33.25 31.88 -9.38 4.77 98
68 -1.75 -46.88 1.88 4.76 98
69 1.75 -1.88 31.88 4.76 98
70 -40.25 -28.12 -20.62 4.75 49
71 -33.25 -13.12 -13.12 4.75 344
72 -15.75 -1.88 -69.38 4.75 49
73 -47.25 24.38 20.62 4.75 196
74 26.25 31.88 -31.88 4.75 147
75 -12.25 -58.12 -16.88 4.74 49
76 -12.25 -5.62 28.12 4.74 246
77 36.75 -61.88 -5.62 4.74 98
78 -33.25 -73.12 31.88 4.72 49
79 12.25 43.12 -16.88 4.72 49
80 -1.75 -9.38 -20.62 4.71 49
81 -47.25 -54.38 -9.38 4.69 295
82 8.75 -91.88 5.62 4.68 49
83 -50.75 9.38 9.38 4.67 49
84 12.25 -54.38 -43.12 4.67 98
85 8.75 -20.62 -13.12 4.67 147
86 -22.75 16.88 5.62 4.66 98
87 29.75 -50.62 -50.62 4.66 196
88 -5.25 -13.12 -69.38 4.66 147
89 19.25 -35.62 69.38 4.65 49
90 -15.75 -39.38 -50.62 4.64 98
91 22.75 -35.62 54.38 4.64 295
91a 26.25 -43.12 54.38 4.06
92 -47.25 -9.38 5.62 4.63 246
93 -1.75 -54.38 -9.38 4.62 98
94 19.25 -39.38 -13.12 4.61 49
95 33.25 9.38 -24.38 4.61 98
96 22.75 46.88 -16.88 4.61 98
97 22.75 -16.88 -9.38 4.61 98
98 -36.75 20.62 35.62 4.60 344
99 -43.75 24.38 -1.88 4.59 196
100 15.75 50.62 58.12 4.59 98
101 19.25 16.88 28.12 4.59 49
102 -40.25 -65.62 -5.62 4.59 98
103 -29.75 -80.62 -9.38 4.58 49
104 -15.75 -76.88 28.12 4.57 196
105 -57.75 -16.88 1.88 4.57 49
106 22.75 9.38 16.88 4.57 246
107 -1.75 13.12 -20.62 4.57 98
108 40.25 -35.62 -43.12 4.56 49
109 -5.25 -31.88 58.12 4.55 49
110 12.25 24.38 61.88 4.55 98
111 26.25 28.12 -20.62 4.55 196
112 -57.75 5.62 13.12 4.55 492
112a -61.25 -1.88 9.38 4.19
112b -57.75 -9.38 9.38 4.13
113 19.25 -1.88 28.12 4.54 49
114 5.25 -76.88 24.38 4.54 49
115 33.25 20.62 -20.62 4.54 98
116 -15.75 16.88 43.12 4.53 147
117 -47.25 -28.12 5.62 4.51 49
118 -29.75 13.12 -13.12 4.51 295
118a -26.25 5.62 -13.12 4.20
119 12.25 -80.62 13.12 4.51 98
120 -8.75 84.38 20.62 4.50 147
121 15.75 -35.62 73.12 4.50 196
122 -15.75 -16.88 24.38 4.49 98
123 -15.75 9.38 -20.62 4.49 98
124 22.75 -28.12 69.38 4.49 98
125 12.25 -9.38 13.12 4.49 98
126 5.25 -43.12 -9.38 4.49 49
127 -1.75 -9.38 -46.88 4.49 196
128 -12.25 9.38 24.38 4.48 295
129 -26.25 13.12 46.88 4.48 49
130 -12.25 -13.12 -46.88 4.48 98
131 -1.75 -50.62 -1.88 4.47 49
132 1.75 24.38 31.88 4.47 49
133 -5.25 -24.38 -20.62 4.45 147
134 8.75 16.88 -20.62 4.45 49
135 15.75 -24.38 -35.62 4.45 344
136 -22.75 31.88 -24.38 4.45 98
137 -47.25 -28.12 43.12 4.44 49
138 -33.25 13.12 13.12 4.44 246
139 -47.25 -61.88 -5.62 4.44 49
140 -50.75 39.38 9.38 4.44 49
141 -50.75 -20.62 9.38 4.43 98
142 33.25 -24.38 -13.12 4.43 147
143 -15.75 -20.62 -58.12 4.43 98
144 -54.25 -46.88 -5.62 4.42 98
145 40.25 31.88 13.12 4.42 49
146 -43.75 16.88 58.12 4.42 49
147 -47.25 -24.38 -16.88 4.41 196
148 -12.25 -58.12 -46.88 4.40 49
149 -22.75 -9.38 13.12 4.40 49
150 22.75 16.88 5.62 4.39 196
151 50.75 1.88 43.12 4.39 98
152 -1.75 -39.38 1.88 4.39 295
153 -50.75 -16.88 24.38 4.38 49
154 36.75 50.62 1.88 4.38 98
155 -1.75 -54.38 -28.12 4.36 98
156 22.75 13.12 35.62 4.36 344
156a 12.25 20.62 35.62 4.14
157 -36.75 16.88 50.62 4.36 147
158 36.75 43.12 -28.12 4.35 49
159 33.25 24.38 39.38 4.35 49
160 36.75 5.62 35.62 4.34 147
161 29.75 -31.88 39.38 4.34 442
161a 40.25 -35.62 39.38 3.94
162 -15.75 -50.62 -1.88 4.33 49
163 -5.25 -46.88 -16.88 4.33 689
164 -1.75 -65.62 16.88 4.33 344
164a 5.25 -73.12 16.88 4.13
165 -47.25 35.62 16.88 4.33 295
166 -36.75 43.12 24.38 4.32 98
167 -54.25 -20.62 -9.38 4.32 49
168 -15.75 20.62 -46.88 4.32 98
169 47.25 -54.38 -16.88 4.31 49
170 -50.75 -50.62 20.62 4.31 49
171 -22.75 1.88 -1.88 4.31 49
172 -26.25 1.88 43.12 4.31 98
173 -15.75 -54.38 43.12 4.31 49
174 8.75 13.12 50.62 4.30 98
175 -15.75 -73.12 -13.12 4.30 49
176 54.25 -24.38 -5.62 4.29 196
177 -15.75 -1.88 16.88 4.29 49
178 -43.75 43.12 -28.12 4.28 98
179 68.25 -1.88 -9.38 4.28 49
180 -50.75 16.88 -1.88 4.28 49
181 19.25 -69.38 -13.12 4.28 98
182 12.25 50.62 -1.88 4.28 98
183 19.25 -9.38 20.62 4.28 49
184 -19.25 1.88 58.12 4.27 49
185 -29.75 -80.62 -24.38 4.27 49
186 19.25 -1.88 43.12 4.26 98
187 -19.25 -58.12 -9.38 4.26 49
188 68.25 -13.12 -9.38 4.25 98
189 19.25 -65.62 -24.38 4.25 147
190 -5.25 31.88 -20.62 4.25 147
191 -15.75 -46.88 -5.62 4.25 98
192 54.25 -9.38 20.62 4.25 246
193 -47.25 -58.12 13.12 4.25 49
194 50.75 -54.38 -9.38 4.23 49
195 -50.75 -5.62 -5.62 4.23 49
196 -22.75 -69.38 -13.12 4.23 147
197 19.25 16.88 13.12 4.23 147
198 15.75 9.38 43.12 4.22 98
199 1.75 13.12 9.38 4.22 49
200 12.25 -54.38 -54.38 4.22 49
201 15.75 -88.12 5.62 4.21 98
202 -40.25 5.62 -28.12 4.21 196
203 40.25 -31.88 54.38 4.21 98
204 -1.75 -1.88 1.88 4.20 246
205 -1.75 1.88 13.12 4.20 49
206 12.25 -9.38 5.62 4.20 49
207 12.25 24.38 -39.38 4.19 196
208 50.75 43.12 -5.62 4.19 49
209 -1.75 -58.12 -54.38 4.19 49
210 -47.25 -28.12 13.12 4.18 98
211 -26.25 50.62 5.62 4.18 147
212 15.75 -1.88 -16.88 4.17 196
213 54.25 1.88 35.62 4.17 98
214 -47.25 -43.12 9.38 4.17 147
215 40.25 5.62 -24.38 4.17 49
216 40.25 35.62 -1.88 4.17 49
217 22.75 46.88 13.12 4.16 49
218 50.75 -5.62 5.62 4.16 49
219 -40.25 -58.12 9.38 4.16 98
220 -26.25 -31.88 16.88 4.16 49
221 -22.75 -54.38 -61.88 4.16 98
222 -12.25 20.62 73.12 4.15 246
223 -36.75 43.12 1.88 4.15 196
224 19.25 -24.38 16.88 4.15 49
225 8.75 46.88 -5.62 4.14 49
226 19.25 -9.38 5.62 4.14 98
227 -26.25 -28.12 -31.88 4.13 49
228 54.25 -20.62 39.38 4.13 49
229 36.75 -35.62 -9.38 4.13 295
230 -36.75 -69.38 5.62 4.13 49
231 -19.25 61.88 5.62 4.13 49
232 26.25 -61.88 31.88 4.13 49
233 5.25 -28.12 -9.38 4.13 147
234 -54.25 1.88 13.12 4.13 49
235 -50.75 13.12 -5.62 4.12 49
236 -8.75 -46.88 -31.88 4.12 49
237 -15.75 13.12 50.62 4.12 49
238 -40.25 -46.88 1.88 4.10 49
239 -33.25 -35.62 -65.62 4.10 98
240 12.25 80.62 35.62 4.10 147
241 29.75 -31.88 -31.88 4.10 49
242 -33.25 1.88 -16.88 4.10 147
243 -29.75 -1.88 -24.38 4.09 98
244 -54.25 46.88 9.38 4.09 98
245 -36.75 -50.62 1.88 4.08 49
246 -43.75 -65.62 24.38 4.08 49
247 1.75 -5.62 -13.12 4.08 49
248 1.75 -5.62 -54.38 4.07 49
249 19.25 13.12 -1.88 4.07 98
250 -61.25 -20.62 13.12 4.07 49
251 22.75 -35.62 -20.62 4.06 147
252 29.75 -43.12 -58.12 4.06 49
253 26.25 24.38 13.12 4.06 147
254 29.75 -28.12 -24.38 4.06 49
255 -8.75 5.62 -24.38 4.06 49
256 -15.75 24.38 -9.38 4.05 49
257 -15.75 -1.88 -31.88 4.05 49
258 8.75 20.62 -24.38 4.05 49
259 -22.75 -1.88 -20.62 4.05 393
260 26.25 1.88 13.12 4.04 147
261 -33.25 28.12 31.88 4.04 246
262 29.75 -58.12 -46.88 4.04 49
263 5.25 -61.88 54.38 4.03 196
264 -54.25 13.12 20.62 4.03 196
265 40.25 9.38 -20.62 4.02 98
266 12.25 5.62 43.12 4.02 98
267 -54.25 5.62 -16.88 4.01 196
268 -33.25 -35.62 -9.38 4.01 98
269 -26.25 -73.12 -35.62 4.01 49
270 26.25 -9.38 13.12 4.01 246
271 47.25 43.12 9.38 4.00 49
272 1.75 -76.88 35.62 4.00 49
273 -33.25 -69.38 39.38 4.00 49
274 -15.75 -43.12 -43.12 4.00 98
275 -47.25 -65.62 1.88 4.00 196
276 -12.25 46.88 28.12 4.00 49
277 -1.75 -24.38 9.38 3.99 49
278 -1.75 58.12 13.12 3.99 49
279 -8.75 -46.88 -24.38 3.99 49
280 -19.25 13.12 28.12 3.99 49
281 29.75 65.62 43.12 3.98 49
282 40.25 -20.62 20.62 3.98 49
283 36.75 28.12 -35.62 3.97 49
284 -57.75 -31.88 -5.62 3.97 49
285 -19.25 24.38 31.88 3.97 49
286 -50.75 28.12 46.88 3.97 98
287 61.25 -31.88 39.38 3.97 49
288 -47.25 20.62 -13.12 3.96 49
289 47.25 16.88 -39.38 3.96 98
290 47.25 -54.38 -1.88 3.96 147
291 64.75 -43.12 5.62 3.95 49
292 -15.75 -31.88 -16.88 3.95 49
293 8.75 76.88 35.62 3.95 49
294 5.25 -88.12 -1.88 3.95 49
295 22.75 -69.38 1.88 3.95 147
296 12.25 9.38 28.12 3.94 147
297 36.75 -73.12 5.62 3.94 98
298 33.25 43.12 35.62 3.94 49
299 33.25 43.12 24.38 3.93 49
300 26.25 -20.62 -65.62 3.93 196
301 -22.75 -76.88 -16.88 3.93 49
302 54.25 -28.12 -9.38 3.93 98
303 12.25 -9.38 50.62 3.92 49
304 -12.25 -28.12 -50.62 3.92 196
305 15.75 -35.62 31.88 3.92 98
306 15.75 -1.88 -1.88 3.92 49
307 5.25 -28.12 73.12 3.92 49
308 -26.25 -61.88 35.62 3.92 98
309 5.25 -58.12 -54.38 3.92 49
310 -19.25 -76.88 -28.12 3.91 98
311 19.25 -76.88 -35.62 3.91 98
312 22.75 5.62 -1.88 3.91 49
313 -54.25 -20.62 -24.38 3.91 49
314 -1.75 -9.38 -5.62 3.91 49
315 15.75 -20.62 73.12 3.91 98
316 19.25 65.62 9.38 3.91 49
317 -64.75 -13.12 -24.38 3.91 49
318 -15.75 -5.62 61.88 3.91 147
319 -26.25 24.38 13.12 3.90 98
320 -19.25 -13.12 61.88 3.90 49
321 -22.75 13.12 -24.38 3.90 49
322 19.25 54.38 1.88 3.90 147
323 -15.75 54.38 54.38 3.90 98
324 1.75 -31.88 1.88 3.89 49
325 -33.25 39.38 54.38 3.89 49
326 -50.75 16.88 -16.88 3.89 147
327 33.25 50.62 50.62 3.89 49
328 5.25 -35.62 -58.12 3.89 98
329 -47.25 -28.12 28.12 3.89 49
330 12.25 69.38 5.62 3.89 49
331 5.25 -50.62 -20.62 3.88 98
332 15.75 88.12 9.38 3.88 49
333 -19.25 -50.62 16.88 3.88 49
334 -47.25 16.88 5.62 3.88 49
335 -47.25 -13.12 -54.38 3.88 98
336 -1.75 -16.88 -28.12 3.87 49
337 33.25 -28.12 65.62 3.87 98
338 19.25 35.62 1.88 3.87 98
339 33.25 5.62 28.12 3.86 49
340 -47.25 16.88 -24.38 3.86 49
341 -54.25 -24.38 -39.38 3.86 98
342 22.75 -16.88 43.12 3.86 49
343 -47.25 20.62 46.88 3.86 49
344 57.75 -20.62 28.12 3.85 49
345 36.75 1.88 20.62 3.85 98
346 -47.25 -39.38 16.88 3.85 49
347 50.75 -50.62 9.38 3.85 98
348 -54.25 -20.62 -50.62 3.85 49
349 36.75 -39.38 -69.38 3.85 49
350 15.75 -73.12 -31.88 3.85 49
351 -26.25 -35.62 -9.38 3.85 49
352 19.25 20.62 20.62 3.84 49
353 -19.25 -20.62 -35.62 3.84 98
354 12.25 -9.38 31.88 3.83 147
355 -33.25 -35.62 46.88 3.83 49
356 1.75 16.88 -39.38 3.83 49
357 -29.75 -46.88 -13.12 3.82 49
358 26.25 -65.62 46.88 3.82 49
359 1.75 -20.62 -35.62 3.82 49
360 26.25 5.62 5.62 3.82 98
361 -54.25 -39.38 1.88 3.81 246
361a -57.75 -46.88 -1.88 3.78
362 -40.25 16.88 24.38 3.81 98
363 -1.75 -43.12 -9.38 3.81 49
364 -5.25 -84.38 -20.62 3.81 49
365 33.25 -35.62 -5.62 3.80 49
366 1.75 -35.62 -61.88 3.78 49
367 -1.75 -28.12 20.62 3.78 98
368 1.75 -58.12 -13.12 3.78 49
369 -36.75 61.88 16.88 3.78 98
370 12.25 -46.88 -46.88 3.78 49
371 -12.25 -20.62 -46.88 3.78 49
372 29.75 16.88 35.62 3.78 49
373 26.25 13.12 9.38 3.77 98
374 15.75 -20.62 -20.62 3.77 49
375 -33.25 35.62 -24.38 3.77 49
376 8.75 -24.38 9.38 3.77 49
377 -22.75 -50.62 54.38 3.76 49
378 36.75 -73.12 -9.38 3.76 49
379 8.75 -73.12 35.62 3.76 49
380 -1.75 -16.88 24.38 3.76 49
381 -15.75 -16.88 -43.12 3.76 49
382 22.75 -73.12 -5.62 3.76 49
383 12.25 16.88 -50.62 3.76 49
384 -12.25 54.38 -9.38 3.75 49
385 8.75 -43.12 -35.62 3.75 49
386 22.75 24.38 43.12 3.75 98
387 19.25 43.12 -5.62 3.75 49
388 -12.25 -39.38 -5.62 3.75 147
389 5.25 -46.88 -39.38 3.75 49
390 43.75 -5.62 -13.12 3.74 49
391 47.25 13.12 -20.62 3.74 49
392 -54.25 -9.38 20.62 3.74 49
393 12.25 -35.62 9.38 3.74 49
394 -57.75 -1.88 -13.12 3.74 98
395 -33.25 -43.12 -28.12 3.74 98
396 47.25 13.12 5.62 3.74 49
397 1.75 -84.38 -16.88 3.74 49
398 40.25 28.12 -39.38 3.74 49
399 33.25 50.62 24.38 3.74 98
400 -1.75 -9.38 69.38 3.74 49
401 19.25 -16.88 16.88 3.74 49
402 -33.25 65.62 20.62 3.73 98
403 -29.75 16.88 -5.62 3.73 49
404 22.75 46.88 5.62 3.73 49
405 1.75 -16.88 -24.38 3.73 49
406 12.25 -65.62 -13.12 3.73 49
407 22.75 16.88 50.62 3.73 49
408 19.25 -50.62 -73.12 3.73 49
409 -33.25 -43.12 58.12 3.72 98
410 -47.25 -58.12 -28.12 3.72 49
411 19.25 9.38 20.62 3.72 49
412 -5.25 -43.12 69.38 3.72 98
413 -8.75 39.38 5.62 3.72 49
414 26.25 20.62 -24.38 3.71 98
415 -29.75 35.62 -1.88 3.71 49
416 33.25 43.12 -16.88 3.71 49
417 40.25 -58.12 5.62 3.71 98
418 40.25 -5.62 46.88 3.70 147
419 33.25 -9.38 -9.38 3.70 49
420 -68.25 -24.38 13.12 3.70 49
421 -15.75 -76.88 20.62 3.70 49
422 43.75 31.88 5.62 3.70 49
423 1.75 65.62 -16.88 3.70 98
424 26.25 -20.62 20.62 3.70 49
425 47.25 20.62 5.62 3.70 49
426 -29.75 20.62 -24.38 3.70 49
427 -47.25 46.88 20.62 3.70 49
428 15.75 1.88 35.62 3.69 49
429 40.25 -43.12 -28.12 3.69 49
430 -40.25 39.38 43.12 3.69 147
431 -54.25 -35.62 -5.62 3.69 49
432 -12.25 -20.62 -61.88 3.69 49
433 -50.75 13.12 -39.38 3.68 49
434 5.25 1.88 13.12 3.68 98
435 43.75 -69.38 -1.88 3.68 49
436 -22.75 -80.62 1.88 3.68 49
437 -36.75 -31.88 -46.88 3.68 49
438 26.25 -39.38 35.62 3.68 49
439 8.75 28.12 -24.38 3.67 49
440 15.75 -5.62 28.12 3.67 49
441 -15.75 5.62 65.62 3.67 98
442 5.25 -65.62 -13.12 3.67 98
443 54.25 -5.62 13.12 3.67 49
444 -33.25 46.88 35.62 3.67 49
445 33.25 -20.62 -9.38 3.67 49
446 36.75 -31.88 13.12 3.66 49
447 36.75 35.62 16.88 3.66 196
448 -36.75 -35.62 39.38 3.66 49
449 1.75 9.38 -16.88 3.65 49
450 -47.25 -13.12 35.62 3.65 49
451 -50.75 5.62 -9.38 3.65 49
452 19.25 -9.38 35.62 3.65 49
453 -5.25 -20.62 1.88 3.65 49
454 57.75 -39.38 5.62 3.64 49
455 -36.75 16.88 1.88 3.64 49
456 -36.75 -13.12 9.38 3.64 49
457 -1.75 24.38 -39.38 3.64 98
458 -8.75 -39.38 -31.88 3.64 49
459 12.25 20.62 -46.88 3.64 49
460 12.25 -1.88 -69.38 3.64 98
461 -1.75 -9.38 31.88 3.64 98
462 -26.25 -39.38 -43.12 3.64 98
463 33.25 -13.12 65.62 3.63 98
464 -15.75 -50.62 -31.88 3.63 196
465 -40.25 -16.88 -50.62 3.63 49
466 29.75 -16.88 58.12 3.62 49
467 43.75 24.38 -5.62 3.62 49
468 -1.75 -43.12 -31.88 3.62 49
469 -8.75 46.88 24.38 3.62 98
470 19.25 -61.88 35.62 3.61 49
471 -12.25 -16.88 -65.62 3.61 49
472 50.75 50.62 -1.88 3.61 49
473 33.25 -50.62 -28.12 3.61 49
474 -8.75 39.38 -28.12 3.61 49
475 -5.25 -31.88 1.88 3.61 49
476 22.75 -5.62 20.62 3.61 49
477 50.75 -43.12 9.38 3.61 49
478 -54.25 -28.12 -16.88 3.61 49
479 -12.25 16.88 20.62 3.61 98
480 -22.75 -5.62 -1.88 3.60 49
481 29.75 35.62 39.38 3.60 49
482 -47.25 -24.38 -5.62 3.60 49
483 12.25 61.88 5.62 3.60 49
484 -43.75 43.12 5.62 3.59 49
485 33.25 -28.12 58.12 3.59 49
486 19.25 28.12 31.88 3.59 49
487 -19.25 -61.88 20.62 3.59 49
488 57.75 35.62 28.12 3.58 98
489 33.25 -35.62 -35.62 3.58 49
490 -19.25 -9.38 -65.62 3.58 49
491 -40.25 -46.88 -5.62 3.58 49
492 5.25 -80.62 -1.88 3.58 49
493 -15.75 -5.62 1.88 3.58 98
494 26.25 -61.88 -16.88 3.58 98
495 29.75 -1.88 -20.62 3.58 49
496 5.25 5.62 -69.38 3.57 49
497 5.25 -9.38 -20.62 3.57 49
498 15.75 -13.12 -73.12 3.57 49
499 -57.75 -9.38 16.88 3.57 98
500 -1.75 1.88 69.38 3.56 49
501 -43.75 13.12 13.12 3.56 98
502 26.25 31.88 43.12 3.56 49
503 -33.25 73.12 20.62 3.56 49
504 36.75 20.62 31.88 3.56 49
505 -12.25 13.12 58.12 3.56 49
506 -43.75 58.12 20.62 3.56 49
507 -29.75 -24.38 -9.38 3.55 49
508 -33.25 -16.88 -5.62 3.55 49
509 -12.25 5.62 35.62 3.55 147
510 19.25 -31.88 -16.88 3.55 49
511 -61.25 -16.88 9.38 3.55 49
512 -54.25 -9.38 -5.62 3.55 98
513 50.75 -13.12 5.62 3.54 49
514 -26.25 -35.62 54.38 3.54 49
515 26.25 -54.38 -13.12 3.54 98
516 -1.75 46.88 54.38 3.54 49
517 47.25 28.12 -39.38 3.54 49
518 -29.75 43.12 39.38 3.54 49
519 -47.25 43.12 9.38 3.54 49
520 57.75 -13.12 16.88 3.54 49
521 -40.25 13.12 -43.12 3.53 49
522 22.75 69.38 5.62 3.53 98
523 -12.25 -76.88 -9.38 3.53 49
524 -1.75 -50.62 -16.88 3.52 49
525 -5.25 43.12 -16.88 3.52 49
526 -5.25 1.88 1.88 3.52 49
527 -22.75 1.88 28.12 3.52 49
528 -1.75 9.38 9.38 3.52 49
529 22.75 -54.38 61.88 3.52 49
530 19.25 -84.38 -20.62 3.52 49
531 40.25 -28.12 -69.38 3.52 98
532 40.25 39.38 28.12 3.52 49
533 15.75 20.62 43.12 3.51 49
534 22.75 -24.38 1.88 3.51 49
535 22.75 -1.88 5.62 3.51 49
536 54.25 -16.88 35.62 3.51 98
537 -47.25 -1.88 -20.62 3.51 49
538 43.75 9.38 -39.38 3.51 49
539 19.25 -58.12 -13.12 3.51 49
540 1.75 -58.12 9.38 3.50 49
541 -29.75 -65.62 -20.62 3.50 49
542 -50.75 -9.38 -13.12 3.50 49
543 15.75 -73.12 -20.62 3.50 49
544 40.25 65.62 31.88 3.50 49
545 26.25 -5.62 -1.88 3.50 49
546 40.25 -39.38 -13.12 3.50 49
547 -8.75 -13.12 5.62 3.50 49
548 5.25 -16.88 69.38 3.49 49
549 19.25 46.88 39.38 3.49 49
550 26.25 -20.62 65.62 3.49 49
551 -29.75 -80.62 20.62 3.48 49
552 61.25 -35.62 35.62 3.48 49
553 36.75 50.62 -16.88 3.48 49
554 40.25 -35.62 50.62 3.48 49
555 -1.75 -5.62 -73.12 3.48 49
556 19.25 -31.88 -54.38 3.47 49
557 -33.25 1.88 31.88 3.47 98
558 47.25 5.62 31.88 3.47 49
559 15.75 1.88 58.12 3.47 98
560 -36.75 -46.88 9.38 3.47 98
561 15.75 -24.38 -73.12 3.47 49
562 -36.75 61.88 9.38 3.47 49
563 29.75 43.12 16.88 3.46 49
564 -8.75 39.38 31.88 3.46 49
565 -40.25 -69.38 31.88 3.46 49
566 5.25 -50.62 -5.62 3.46 49
567 -47.25 1.88 -28.12 3.45 49
568 12.25 69.38 -13.12 3.45 49
569 33.25 39.38 28.12 3.45 49
570 -43.75 35.62 31.88 3.45 98
571 -1.75 20.62 -16.88 3.45 147
572 47.25 16.88 39.38 3.45 49
573 36.75 -46.88 9.38 3.45 49
574 -19.25 -50.62 -46.88 3.45 49
575 36.75 -54.38 -28.12 3.44 49
576 1.75 28.12 -5.62 3.44 49
577 26.25 1.88 -13.12 3.44 49
578 -1.75 -28.12 58.12 3.44 49
579 19.25 -61.88 -46.88 3.44 98
580 12.25 5.62 13.12 3.44 49
581 -64.75 20.62 5.62 3.44 49
582 40.25 -9.38 -31.88 3.44 49
583 -1.75 -9.38 -28.12 3.43 49
584 5.25 -16.88 -20.62 3.43 49
585 19.25 -13.12 28.12 3.43 49
586 -64.75 -35.62 -1.88 3.43 49
587 1.75 -1.88 -20.62 3.43 49
588 33.25 -24.38 -58.12 3.43 49
589 -5.25 -73.12 28.12 3.43 49
590 33.25 -43.12 -35.62 3.43 49
591 -19.25 -16.88 9.38 3.42 49
592 26.25 80.62 24.38 3.42 49
593 8.75 13.12 16.88 3.42 49
594 54.25 -28.12 24.38 3.42 49
595 -22.75 -28.12 31.88 3.42 49
596 54.25 -28.12 31.88 3.42 49
597 1.75 84.38 1.88 3.42 49
598 47.25 31.88 -24.38 3.42 49
599 -12.25 -50.62 -24.38 3.42 49
600 -29.75 24.38 5.62 3.41 49
601 -36.75 -5.62 -20.62 3.41 49
602 -15.75 -73.12 39.38 3.41 49
603 -15.75 35.62 5.62 3.41 49
604 47.25 -31.88 -39.38 3.41 98
605 26.25 -16.88 -58.12 3.41 49
606 12.25 -9.38 -24.38 3.41 49
607 -19.25 -43.12 31.88 3.41 49
608 -19.25 -31.88 -69.38 3.41 49
609 -43.75 50.62 28.12 3.40 49
610 40.25 13.12 -46.88 3.40 49
611 19.25 -46.88 31.88 3.40 49
612 12.25 -9.38 43.12 3.40 49
613 40.25 -9.38 28.12 3.40 49
614 33.25 5.62 50.62 3.40 49
615 15.75 -16.88 5.62 3.40 49
616 22.75 54.38 16.88 3.40 49
617 -22.75 -54.38 39.38 3.40 49
618 50.75 -20.62 -43.12 3.39 49
619 12.25 -1.88 24.38 3.39 49
620 -29.75 -20.62 -69.38 3.39 49
621 12.25 -35.62 -16.88 3.39 49
622 12.25 -84.38 -5.62 3.39 49
623 -29.75 -1.88 -1.88 3.38 49
624 -36.75 -50.62 -16.88 3.38 49
625 -5.25 -31.88 -13.12 3.38 49
626 26.25 -1.88 20.62 3.38 49
627 -1.75 5.62 -39.38 3.38 49
628 -50.75 1.88 9.38 3.38 49
629 -22.75 24.38 20.62 3.38 49
630 22.75 39.38 20.62 3.38 49
631 19.25 -61.88 -20.62 3.38 49
632 -12.25 16.88 -50.62 3.38 49
633 -8.75 -9.38 -20.62 3.38 49
634 8.75 24.38 39.38 3.38 49
635 40.25 -35.62 -58.12 3.38 98
636 -33.25 -1.88 13.12 3.38 49
637 -50.75 -1.88 16.88 3.37 98
638 -36.75 -16.88 -46.88 3.37 49
639 47.25 -20.62 20.62 3.37 49
640 22.75 -9.38 43.12 3.37 49
641 1.75 1.88 -16.88 3.36 49
642 19.25 -28.12 -24.38 3.36 49
643 -22.75 -28.12 -65.62 3.36 49
644 -22.75 -28.12 -13.12 3.36 98
645 -19.25 -43.12 46.88 3.36 49
646 -5.25 76.88 5.62 3.36 49
647 68.25 -28.12 16.88 3.36 49
648 -8.75 -35.62 65.62 3.36 49
649 -33.25 -24.38 -65.62 3.35 49
650 -22.75 54.38 -20.62 3.35 49
651 8.75 -5.62 -24.38 3.35 49
652 5.25 46.88 13.12 3.35 49
653 -26.25 -43.12 54.38 3.35 49
654 15.75 35.62 5.62 3.35 49
655 -33.25 -58.12 -1.88 3.35 49
656 -8.75 -54.38 -31.88 3.35 49
657 26.25 28.12 -43.12 3.34 98
658 -29.75 39.38 35.62 3.34 49
659 8.75 -76.88 9.38 3.34 49
660 -29.75 -1.88 -46.88 3.34 49
661 12.25 -35.62 65.62 3.34 49
662 54.25 1.88 9.38 3.34 49
663 -22.75 20.62 -1.88 3.34 49
664 33.25 -76.88 -28.12 3.34 49
665 -1.75 -1.88 -5.62 3.34 49
666 -26.25 16.88 9.38 3.33 49
667 47.25 -35.62 16.88 3.33 49
668 -15.75 -46.88 -24.38 3.33 49
669 -47.25 -61.88 20.62 3.33 49
670 -29.75 -46.88 -28.12 3.33 49
671 -22.75 -54.38 -35.62 3.33 49
672 -5.25 1.88 -58.12 3.33 49
673 5.25 -61.88 -46.88 3.33 49
674 33.25 -46.88 54.38 3.33 49
675 26.25 -80.62 1.88 3.33 49
676 -43.75 -35.62 -1.88 3.33 49
677 36.75 -24.38 -31.88 3.33 49
678 26.25 -5.62 -13.12 3.32 49
679 -36.75 -73.12 -9.38 3.32 49
680 -47.25 -1.88 -13.12 3.32 49
681 33.25 -35.62 -46.88 3.32 49
682 -50.75 13.12 35.62 3.32 49
683 -12.25 -13.12 -73.12 3.32 49
684 -50.75 -58.12 1.88 3.32 49
685 8.75 20.62 -35.62 3.32 49
686 22.75 20.62 16.88 3.32 49
687 -36.75 -46.88 -24.38 3.32 98
688 -5.25 -54.38 -54.38 3.32 49
689 -29.75 9.38 61.88 3.31 49
690 15.75 -46.88 20.62 3.31 49
691 19.25 -9.38 -5.62 3.31 49
692 15.75 -39.38 -35.62 3.31 49
693 36.75 -24.38 9.38 3.31 49
694 -1.75 -16.88 -58.12 3.31 49
695 -19.25 -50.62 39.38 3.31 49
696 -19.25 -54.38 13.12 3.31 49
697 54.25 -16.88 -1.88 3.30 49
698 -12.25 20.62 13.12 3.30 49
699 -36.75 9.38 54.38 3.30 49
700 29.75 -50.62 54.38 3.30 49
701 29.75 -46.88 -31.88 3.30 49
702 -12.25 -35.62 -58.12 3.30 49
703 15.75 -16.88 54.38 3.30 49
704 -26.25 50.62 28.12 3.30 49
705 61.25 1.88 24.38 3.30 49
706 15.75 -16.88 -58.12 3.30 49
707 1.75 -69.38 46.88 3.29 49
708 -8.75 54.38 43.12 3.29 49
709 -26.25 -31.88 -58.12 3.29 49
710 5.25 -73.12 -16.88 3.29 49
711 15.75 28.12 13.12 3.29 49
712 -12.25 13.12 65.62 3.29 49


Stat map plot for the contrast: house
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 -22.75 -39.38 -1.88 5.50 393
2 22.75 20.62 9.38 5.43 442
2a 22.75 24.38 16.88 4.16
3 -22.75 24.38 13.12 5.29 98
4 22.75 13.12 20.62 5.25 98
5 47.25 -54.38 -16.88 5.20 98
6 33.25 -43.12 -35.62 4.65 295
7 -29.75 28.12 5.62 4.60 49
8 22.75 -5.62 20.62 4.57 49
9 -33.25 -58.12 35.62 4.53 49
10 36.75 -54.38 -20.62 4.52 49
11 12.25 24.38 20.62 4.51 147
12 -15.75 24.38 9.38 4.48 492
12a -15.75 28.12 16.88 4.03
13 -50.75 9.38 -28.12 4.44 49
14 -40.25 -58.12 28.12 4.41 98
15 22.75 -31.88 1.88 4.39 49
16 22.75 -43.12 -31.88 4.38 49
17 33.25 5.62 -39.38 4.37 49
18 26.25 5.62 9.38 4.35 49
19 1.75 13.12 -16.88 4.33 49
20 8.75 -16.88 31.88 4.33 49
21 -22.75 16.88 5.62 4.27 98
22 33.25 28.12 28.12 4.25 49
23 26.25 9.38 -31.88 4.23 49
24 -22.75 5.62 24.38 4.23 295
25 1.75 -46.88 -5.62 4.21 49
26 -26.25 39.38 46.88 4.21 98
27 19.25 5.62 43.12 4.21 98
28 43.75 -1.88 20.62 4.19 98
29 8.75 -24.38 24.38 4.16 49
30 19.25 -13.12 24.38 4.16 98
31 15.75 -39.38 13.12 4.13 49
32 -12.25 -16.88 -20.62 4.12 49
33 -29.75 16.88 9.38 4.11 49
34 -22.75 20.62 20.62 4.10 147
35 -12.25 -28.12 -76.88 4.08 49
36 26.25 -61.88 31.88 4.07 49
37 15.75 -54.38 5.62 4.05 49
38 -54.25 -20.62 -9.38 4.03 49
39 -15.75 -46.88 20.62 4.02 98
40 26.25 -1.88 13.12 4.00 49
41 -15.75 -35.62 -1.88 3.99 147
42 -12.25 -43.12 -16.88 3.97 49
43 -29.75 -31.88 35.62 3.96 49
44 -8.75 35.62 43.12 3.90 49
45 26.25 13.12 13.12 3.88 147
46 8.75 -9.38 31.88 3.88 98
47 5.25 -43.12 -1.88 3.87 98
48 -15.75 -50.62 24.38 3.87 49
49 -22.75 -9.38 -65.62 3.86 49
50 -15.75 -24.38 -9.38 3.85 98
51 -26.25 -50.62 -46.88 3.84 49
52 -8.75 -43.12 -9.38 3.84 49
53 22.75 -43.12 9.38 3.83 49
54 -8.75 -28.12 5.62 3.82 49
55 -12.25 -43.12 -50.62 3.82 49
56 -15.75 -31.88 -50.62 3.82 49
57 22.75 -39.38 46.88 3.81 49
58 22.75 -76.88 20.62 3.81 49
59 -40.25 -69.38 20.62 3.80 49
60 -29.75 -9.38 -31.88 3.78 49
61 -15.75 -28.12 -5.62 3.78 49
62 -12.25 -39.38 46.88 3.77 49
63 5.25 31.88 50.62 3.77 49
64 -22.75 -58.12 24.38 3.75 49
65 -15.75 16.88 13.12 3.75 49
66 -1.75 -61.88 -39.38 3.75 49
67 50.75 -31.88 -50.62 3.74 49
68 15.75 28.12 13.12 3.73 49
69 50.75 50.62 -1.88 3.73 49
70 33.25 -50.62 -24.38 3.72 147
71 29.75 1.88 13.12 3.71 49
72 1.75 31.88 -13.12 3.69 49
73 26.25 9.38 -24.38 3.69 49
74 15.75 -28.12 -5.62 3.68 49
75 -43.75 58.12 9.38 3.67 49
76 -8.75 5.62 28.12 3.67 98
77 26.25 -13.12 54.38 3.66 49
78 33.25 -76.88 -24.38 3.64 49
79 -33.25 -24.38 35.62 3.64 49
80 19.25 -76.88 -16.88 3.63 98
81 -40.25 50.62 1.88 3.63 49
82 40.25 31.88 -24.38 3.62 49
83 33.25 43.12 50.62 3.62 49
84 26.25 -24.38 -69.38 3.62 49
85 33.25 9.38 1.88 3.62 49
86 -26.25 20.62 -1.88 3.62 49
87 22.75 -65.62 20.62 3.60 49
88 -15.75 20.62 1.88 3.60 49
89 -15.75 20.62 20.62 3.59 49
90 -33.25 -73.12 -31.88 3.58 49
91 22.75 -73.12 -13.12 3.58 49
92 57.75 -54.38 1.88 3.57 49
93 29.75 -43.12 -20.62 3.56 49
94 -22.75 -24.38 46.88 3.56 49
95 40.25 -13.12 -43.12 3.56 49
96 -29.75 -13.12 -20.62 3.55 49
97 -40.25 -28.12 -24.38 3.55 49
98 -43.75 -9.38 39.38 3.55 49
99 -26.25 -50.62 46.88 3.54 49
100 -26.25 13.12 16.88 3.54 49
101 -29.75 50.62 20.62 3.54 49
102 -22.75 -13.12 46.88 3.54 49
103 -36.75 24.38 13.12 3.53 49
104 22.75 -9.38 13.12 3.53 49
105 -12.25 1.88 -61.88 3.52 98
106 5.25 9.38 39.38 3.52 49
107 29.75 -54.38 -24.38 3.51 49
108 22.75 -43.12 31.88 3.51 49
109 5.25 -65.62 54.38 3.50 49
110 -50.75 31.88 9.38 3.49 49
111 -12.25 9.38 5.62 3.49 49
112 22.75 1.88 20.62 3.48 49
113 12.25 -5.62 -5.62 3.48 49
114 50.75 -43.12 -1.88 3.47 49
115 15.75 -1.88 69.38 3.46 49
116 26.25 -73.12 31.88 3.46 49
117 36.75 -61.88 -13.12 3.46 49
118 -1.75 39.38 -20.62 3.45 98
119 -26.25 -54.38 43.12 3.45 49
120 29.75 -46.88 -24.38 3.45 49
121 -57.75 20.62 13.12 3.45 49
122 -15.75 -50.62 -9.38 3.44 49
123 -26.25 -20.62 16.88 3.44 49
124 19.25 24.38 5.62 3.44 49
125 -26.25 1.88 13.12 3.44 49
126 -36.75 -61.88 35.62 3.44 49
127 61.25 -1.88 13.12 3.43 49
128 57.75 -16.88 16.88 3.43 49
129 15.75 1.88 58.12 3.43 49
130 -36.75 -65.62 -16.88 3.43 49
131 22.75 -46.88 -20.62 3.42 49
132 12.25 -31.88 -73.12 3.42 49
133 22.75 -16.88 16.88 3.42 49
134 33.25 54.38 28.12 3.41 49
135 -33.25 9.38 5.62 3.41 49
136 43.75 35.62 46.88 3.41 49
137 15.75 -28.12 24.38 3.41 49
138 -26.25 -76.88 -9.38 3.39 49
139 22.75 -13.12 20.62 3.39 49
140 -40.25 -46.88 39.38 3.39 49
141 -33.25 61.88 39.38 3.38 49
142 -36.75 -69.38 31.88 3.38 98
143 8.75 -61.88 -50.62 3.38 49
144 22.75 5.62 24.38 3.38 49
145 5.25 -20.62 -13.12 3.38 49
146 19.25 -35.62 -28.12 3.38 49
147 -15.75 -61.88 43.12 3.37 49
148 -33.25 13.12 -1.88 3.37 49
149 22.75 -46.88 -5.62 3.37 49
150 -15.75 -20.62 -28.12 3.37 49
151 12.25 -13.12 54.38 3.37 49
152 29.75 5.62 39.38 3.36 49
153 26.25 -20.62 24.38 3.36 49
154 15.75 -73.12 -28.12 3.36 49
155 -8.75 61.88 -16.88 3.36 49
156 -36.75 -50.62 -16.88 3.36 49
157 -64.75 -24.38 -20.62 3.35 49
158 -57.75 16.88 5.62 3.34 49
159 -15.75 58.12 5.62 3.34 49
160 -26.25 16.88 50.62 3.34 49
161 -15.75 -65.62 46.88 3.34 49
162 40.25 -39.38 13.12 3.34 49
163 36.75 -13.12 -31.88 3.34 49
164 26.25 -16.88 -9.38 3.34 49
165 15.75 16.88 50.62 3.34 49
166 -54.25 -13.12 -1.88 3.34 49
167 40.25 -50.62 -58.12 3.34 49
168 -8.75 -24.38 1.88 3.33 49
169 -22.75 -16.88 24.38 3.33 49
170 -1.75 28.12 61.88 3.33 49
171 26.25 -58.12 -16.88 3.33 98
172 8.75 -39.38 1.88 3.33 49
173 54.25 9.38 -31.88 3.33 49
174 -22.75 35.62 -24.38 3.32 49
175 8.75 -80.62 -5.62 3.32 49
176 40.25 -16.88 -46.88 3.32 49
177 -15.75 -5.62 -13.12 3.31 49
178 -47.25 -76.88 9.38 3.31 49
179 -40.25 -1.88 24.38 3.30 49
180 33.25 -28.12 -13.12 3.30 49
181 8.75 -58.12 -24.38 3.29 49
182 19.25 -50.62 -13.12 3.29 49
183 12.25 -73.12 -13.12 3.29 49


Stat map plot for the contrast: chair
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 40.25 -46.88 13.12 5.02 147
2 12.25 35.62 -5.62 4.88 196
3 -50.75 39.38 16.88 4.65 49
4 -15.75 -1.88 -16.88 4.21 49
5 33.25 -58.12 -1.88 4.16 49
6 -36.75 -76.88 1.88 4.15 49
7 -29.75 20.62 46.88 4.12 49
8 -54.25 -43.12 46.88 4.09 49
9 12.25 28.12 -16.88 4.08 49
10 12.25 5.62 -24.38 4.06 98
11 33.25 43.12 -16.88 3.99 49
12 33.25 -58.12 -16.88 3.97 49
13 -22.75 -43.12 -31.88 3.97 98
14 8.75 -35.62 -35.62 3.94 49
15 26.25 -46.88 -35.62 3.93 49
16 -5.25 43.12 50.62 3.89 49
17 12.25 16.88 -20.62 3.88 49
18 -36.75 -61.88 43.12 3.85 49
19 -50.75 -39.38 -1.88 3.83 147
20 -15.75 20.62 13.12 3.81 49
21 -22.75 1.88 5.62 3.78 49
22 -57.75 -9.38 -1.88 3.73 49
23 -1.75 5.62 31.88 3.69 49
24 -57.75 13.12 1.88 3.67 98
25 -36.75 -46.88 50.62 3.65 49
26 33.25 13.12 -1.88 3.64 49
27 36.75 -24.38 20.62 3.62 49
28 54.25 20.62 5.62 3.61 49
29 22.75 24.38 16.88 3.61 49
30 33.25 -20.62 -58.12 3.55 49
31 -22.75 -9.38 20.62 3.53 49
32 -22.75 24.38 13.12 3.53 49
33 29.75 -43.12 -35.62 3.52 49
34 12.25 16.88 -50.62 3.51 49
35 12.25 -1.88 69.38 3.51 49
36 -15.75 -39.38 -54.38 3.50 49
37 26.25 -69.38 31.88 3.50 98
38 -22.75 -31.88 -69.38 3.49 49
39 36.75 -1.88 28.12 3.48 49
40 -22.75 50.62 9.38 3.47 49
41 -22.75 -39.38 -28.12 3.47 49
42 26.25 16.88 16.88 3.46 49
43 -22.75 9.38 24.38 3.46 49
44 33.25 13.12 61.88 3.44 49
45 19.25 20.62 20.62 3.43 98
46 12.25 9.38 -1.88 3.43 49
47 36.75 20.62 -43.12 3.42 49
48 19.25 76.88 31.88 3.41 49
49 1.75 24.38 -39.38 3.40 49
50 29.75 9.38 -16.88 3.36 49
51 -26.25 -1.88 -50.62 3.36 49
52 33.25 9.38 -13.12 3.35 49
53 -68.25 1.88 5.62 3.33 49
54 -15.75 -39.38 -24.38 3.33 49
55 5.25 -1.88 31.88 3.33 49
56 22.75 -46.88 -24.38 3.32 49
57 22.75 -24.38 -61.88 3.31 49
58 43.75 -28.12 -13.12 3.30 49


Stat map plot for the contrast: scrambledpix
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 1.75 24.38 -13.12 5.06 49
2 -29.75 -61.88 -31.88 4.96 49
3 -22.75 -46.88 43.12 4.91 98
4 -15.75 61.88 -9.38 4.69 147
5 5.25 43.12 -28.12 4.49 49
6 -22.75 -9.38 20.62 4.29 49
7 -1.75 -35.62 5.62 4.17 98
8 50.75 16.88 -28.12 4.12 147
9 -1.75 5.62 31.88 4.04 49
10 40.25 -16.88 -39.38 3.93 49
11 -15.75 -43.12 -16.88 3.85 49
12 -64.75 -31.88 39.38 3.77 49
13 -1.75 -46.88 -9.38 3.75 49
14 50.75 5.62 -35.62 3.68 49
15 -22.75 -54.38 -9.38 3.64 147
16 22.75 -24.38 46.88 3.59 49
17 54.25 -9.38 16.88 3.55 49
18 19.25 43.12 13.12 3.51 49
19 22.75 46.88 -5.62 3.50 49
20 -29.75 -65.62 20.62 3.46 49
21 -22.75 -28.12 39.38 3.42 49
22 33.25 -20.62 43.12 3.40 49
23 -40.25 -16.88 -54.38 3.39 49
24 -26.25 -69.38 39.38 3.39 49
25 15.75 -39.38 -31.88 3.38 49
26 57.75 13.12 -9.38 3.38 49
27 -5.25 -50.62 61.88 3.33 49
28 26.25 -20.62 43.12 3.33 49
29 -22.75 -9.38 -65.62 3.31 49
30 -26.25 -65.62 16.88 3.31 49


Stat map plot for the contrast: face
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 -50.75 -50.62 13.12 5.43 196
1a -47.25 -58.12 13.12 4.43
2 -47.25 -43.12 -35.62 5.08 49
3 -33.25 50.62 16.88 4.92 442
3a -40.25 46.88 13.12 4.22
4 -47.25 -39.38 16.88 4.89 98
5 -12.25 -58.12 -16.88 4.84 98
6 68.25 -9.38 -9.38 4.82 147
7 -36.75 31.88 16.88 4.66 147
8 -1.75 -39.38 5.62 4.64 98
9 -15.75 13.12 73.12 4.60 196
10 33.25 -61.88 -13.12 4.57 196
11 -43.75 -31.88 35.62 4.46 98
12 1.75 -43.12 -1.88 4.45 49
13 -47.25 24.38 20.62 4.45 49
14 40.25 -39.38 -24.38 4.30 49
15 -22.75 39.38 13.12 4.27 49
16 22.75 -50.62 -24.38 4.27 49
17 -47.25 -50.62 20.62 4.22 49
18 -47.25 -54.38 -9.38 4.19 49
19 -15.75 -13.12 24.38 4.18 98
20 -29.75 24.38 -13.12 4.15 147
21 -40.25 -43.12 -16.88 4.14 49
22 40.25 -43.12 -9.38 4.13 49
23 -1.75 28.12 61.88 4.07 98
24 -1.75 -58.12 -16.88 4.07 49
25 -57.75 -16.88 1.88 4.06 98
26 29.75 -46.88 35.62 4.02 49
27 5.25 -58.12 -24.38 4.00 393
28 -36.75 -31.88 -46.88 4.00 49
29 -8.75 13.12 65.62 3.99 49
30 33.25 -46.88 -39.38 3.99 98
31 1.75 -43.12 -16.88 3.98 196
32 -36.75 31.88 35.62 3.95 442
33 22.75 -1.88 58.12 3.94 98
34 -19.25 -73.12 39.38 3.93 98
35 1.75 24.38 -13.12 3.92 49
36 -43.75 -43.12 -9.38 3.90 98
37 -8.75 -39.38 -5.62 3.87 49
38 -47.25 -46.88 9.38 3.86 98
39 5.25 20.62 65.62 3.86 49
40 40.25 43.12 16.88 3.85 49
41 -26.25 -43.12 -43.12 3.83 49
42 19.25 -46.88 -20.62 3.81 196
43 -36.75 -43.12 39.38 3.80 147
44 -8.75 -28.12 61.88 3.79 49
45 -8.75 -46.88 -31.88 3.79 49
46 43.75 35.62 39.38 3.76 147
47 -22.75 -46.88 -50.62 3.75 49
48 -47.25 -61.88 -5.62 3.74 49
49 -47.25 -28.12 28.12 3.74 49
50 -29.75 28.12 13.12 3.73 49
51 29.75 -46.88 -31.88 3.73 49
52 19.25 -16.88 39.38 3.72 49
53 -47.25 -9.38 13.12 3.71 49
54 -47.25 -46.88 -31.88 3.68 49
55 33.25 50.62 20.62 3.67 49
56 -29.75 -13.12 5.62 3.67 49
57 36.75 -46.88 9.38 3.66 49
58 -50.75 20.62 20.62 3.65 49
59 -47.25 -16.88 -35.62 3.61 49
60 36.75 -35.62 -20.62 3.61 49
61 33.25 -50.62 -20.62 3.61 147
62 33.25 -54.38 43.12 3.60 49
63 5.25 -24.38 -20.62 3.59 49
64 -47.25 -46.88 16.88 3.59 49
65 -57.75 -9.38 -1.88 3.58 49
66 -12.25 -76.88 28.12 3.58 49
67 22.75 31.88 28.12 3.57 49
68 -36.75 5.62 43.12 3.57 49
69 -33.25 39.38 54.38 3.56 49
70 -1.75 -46.88 -9.38 3.56 49
71 26.25 -28.12 24.38 3.56 49
72 29.75 -50.62 -39.38 3.56 49
73 40.25 28.12 39.38 3.56 98
74 -12.25 -39.38 58.12 3.55 49
75 29.75 -54.38 46.88 3.55 49
76 -50.75 -43.12 1.88 3.53 147
77 -36.75 20.62 50.62 3.53 49
78 19.25 -1.88 50.62 3.52 49
79 -57.75 31.88 31.88 3.52 49
80 -43.75 -43.12 46.88 3.51 49
81 -29.75 5.62 58.12 3.51 49
82 26.25 1.88 13.12 3.51 49
83 5.25 -65.62 13.12 3.49 49
84 29.75 -46.88 -43.12 3.47 49
85 33.25 -43.12 -24.38 3.47 49
86 -47.25 -16.88 -43.12 3.46 49
87 -36.75 -46.88 50.62 3.45 49
88 -54.25 -9.38 -31.88 3.44 49
89 -5.25 -58.12 -13.12 3.44 49
90 -33.25 31.88 46.88 3.43 49
91 -26.25 -84.38 -9.38 3.43 98
92 12.25 28.12 61.88 3.42 49
93 -15.75 16.88 16.88 3.41 49
94 -33.25 16.88 50.62 3.41 49
95 -5.25 61.88 -9.38 3.41 49
96 -47.25 -61.88 -28.12 3.41 49
97 -33.25 -9.38 -28.12 3.41 49
98 -40.25 50.62 9.38 3.41 49
99 -19.25 -61.88 -9.38 3.40 49
100 22.75 -24.38 -58.12 3.39 49
101 -29.75 35.62 -1.88 3.39 49
102 -54.25 -20.62 -39.38 3.39 49
103 40.25 -46.88 -20.62 3.39 49
104 8.75 -58.12 -28.12 3.38 49
105 -47.25 -46.88 -1.88 3.38 49
106 36.75 54.38 24.38 3.38 49
107 -29.75 31.88 -9.38 3.37 49
108 40.25 -35.62 -43.12 3.37 49
109 -50.75 -58.12 -13.12 3.36 49
110 36.75 61.88 28.12 3.35 49
111 -47.25 58.12 -1.88 3.35 49
112 -47.25 24.38 28.12 3.34 49
113 -47.25 -9.38 5.62 3.34 49
114 -33.25 -43.12 43.12 3.34 49
115 -50.75 -35.62 43.12 3.34 49
116 -47.25 -46.88 -58.12 3.34 49
117 68.25 -28.12 16.88 3.33 49
118 47.25 35.62 13.12 3.33 49
119 19.25 5.62 13.12 3.32 49
120 29.75 -46.88 -20.62 3.32 49
121 -8.75 -13.12 20.62 3.32 49
122 5.25 31.88 -35.62 3.32 49
123 15.75 -54.38 -20.62 3.32 49
124 43.75 9.38 50.62 3.32 49
125 15.75 5.62 9.38 3.31 49
126 8.75 -1.88 9.38 3.31 49
127 33.25 20.62 43.12 3.31 49
128 43.75 -54.38 9.38 3.30 49
129 -40.25 39.38 43.12 3.30 49
130 -47.25 -58.12 -31.88 3.30 49
131 12.25 -88.12 5.62 3.30 49
132 40.25 -69.38 -16.88 3.30 49
133 -43.75 -31.88 -9.38 3.29 49
134 50.75 1.88 43.12 3.29 49
135 43.75 16.88 31.88 3.29 49
136 -47.25 -50.62 31.88 3.29 49
137 15.75 13.12 43.12 3.29 49


Stat map plot for the contrast: shoe
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 19.25 73.12 20.62 4.65 49
2 22.75 -9.38 35.62 4.48 49
3 19.25 -20.62 -28.12 4.08 49
4 12.25 5.62 31.88 3.97 49
5 26.25 35.62 28.12 3.97 49
6 61.25 28.12 31.88 3.87 98
7 15.75 16.88 58.12 3.83 49
8 -5.25 -76.88 -28.12 3.74 49
9 36.75 46.88 -16.88 3.71 49
10 -19.25 -28.12 35.62 3.64 49
11 26.25 -46.88 -24.38 3.61 49
12 -12.25 39.38 65.62 3.61 49
13 -29.75 9.38 35.62 3.60 49
14 -8.75 84.38 20.62 3.60 49
15 -54.25 -65.62 16.88 3.59 49
16 -26.25 -13.12 -43.12 3.58 49
17 19.25 -28.12 -54.38 3.57 49
18 -12.25 1.88 -69.38 3.56 49
19 47.25 -28.12 -5.62 3.55 49
20 22.75 -69.38 -28.12 3.53 49
21 33.25 9.38 61.88 3.50 49
22 -8.75 20.62 73.12 3.49 49
23 22.75 61.88 31.88 3.49 49
24 40.25 -54.38 39.38 3.47 49
25 1.75 -24.38 -39.38 3.46 49
26 5.25 -13.12 24.38 3.46 49
27 -68.25 -20.62 24.38 3.45 49
28 -12.25 39.38 24.38 3.42 49
29 50.75 -35.62 -35.62 3.41 49
30 -1.75 -28.12 -73.12 3.39 49
31 29.75 24.38 -28.12 3.38 49
32 22.75 -54.38 -43.12 3.35 49


Stat map plot for the contrast: cat
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 12.25 -61.88 -31.88 5.00 295
2 -40.25 -65.62 13.12 4.41 147
3 5.25 -61.88 -24.38 4.34 98
4 -29.75 39.38 54.38 4.32 49
5 -12.25 -58.12 -16.88 4.29 49
6 -12.25 -76.88 31.88 4.27 98
7 43.75 -5.62 16.88 4.11 196
8 22.75 -24.38 -58.12 4.05 49
9 19.25 -31.88 -69.38 4.01 98
10 43.75 1.88 9.38 3.94 196
11 5.25 -80.62 9.38 3.90 98
12 61.25 -31.88 20.62 3.86 49
13 -12.25 -20.62 -58.12 3.86 98
14 1.75 35.62 -13.12 3.86 49
15 -29.75 35.62 50.62 3.83 49
16 -36.75 -50.62 -39.38 3.82 98
17 33.25 -1.88 46.88 3.80 49
18 50.75 1.88 -24.38 3.79 49
19 47.25 1.88 -46.88 3.79 49
20 50.75 28.12 24.38 3.78 49
21 -5.25 -50.62 -13.12 3.76 49
22 22.75 -61.88 -54.38 3.76 49
23 -12.25 -73.12 -31.88 3.73 49
24 36.75 28.12 43.12 3.72 98
25 36.75 69.38 5.62 3.71 49
26 -1.75 50.62 -9.38 3.70 49
27 5.25 -31.88 54.38 3.66 49
28 36.75 28.12 -20.62 3.62 49
29 -26.25 -80.62 9.38 3.61 98
30 8.75 -65.62 -24.38 3.60 49
31 -8.75 -46.88 -28.12 3.60 49
32 50.75 9.38 -35.62 3.60 49
33 43.75 5.62 1.88 3.59 49
34 -36.75 46.88 39.38 3.58 49
35 15.75 -80.62 -31.88 3.57 49
36 -54.25 -50.62 5.62 3.56 49
37 36.75 9.38 -35.62 3.55 49
38 29.75 -35.62 -50.62 3.53 49
39 -43.75 -65.62 5.62 3.53 49
40 15.75 -50.62 -39.38 3.50 49
41 61.25 -31.88 43.12 3.50 49
42 12.25 -54.38 -43.12 3.49 49
43 5.25 -61.88 -39.38 3.49 49
44 33.25 -54.38 43.12 3.49 49
45 -64.75 -9.38 -24.38 3.48 49
46 -54.25 -50.62 39.38 3.48 49
47 -40.25 -46.88 50.62 3.48 98
48 8.75 16.88 -16.88 3.48 98
49 -29.75 -46.88 5.62 3.47 49
50 12.25 -39.38 -31.88 3.44 49
51 -40.25 -5.62 50.62 3.44 49
52 64.75 20.62 9.38 3.43 49
53 5.25 -24.38 -73.12 3.42 49
54 12.25 -43.12 1.88 3.42 49
55 -19.25 16.88 69.38 3.42 49
56 -29.75 -54.38 -35.62 3.42 49
57 36.75 28.12 35.62 3.42 49
58 -64.75 -31.88 16.88 3.38 49
59 5.25 43.12 50.62 3.37 49
60 15.75 39.38 -20.62 3.37 49
61 29.75 9.38 -31.88 3.36 49
62 -36.75 -50.62 -20.62 3.35 49
63 -47.25 -43.12 43.12 3.35 49
64 -40.25 -46.88 16.88 3.35 49
65 -43.75 -1.88 -28.12 3.34 49
66 -40.25 -1.88 -31.88 3.34 49
67 12.25 5.62 5.62 3.34 49
68 -64.75 -16.88 24.38 3.33 49
69 -36.75 -76.88 5.62 3.33 98
70 43.75 31.88 39.38 3.33 49
71 -47.25 -50.62 46.88 3.33 49
72 -40.25 -69.38 35.62 3.31 49
73 -29.75 35.62 58.12 3.30 49
74 -22.75 76.88 5.62 3.29 49
75 47.25 13.12 43.12 3.29 49


Stat map plot for the contrast: scissors
Cluster Table
Height control fpr
α 0.001
Threshold (computed) 3.291
Cluster size threshold (voxels) 0
Minimum distance (mm) 8.0
Cluster ID X Y Z Peak Stat Cluster Size (mm3)
1 -50.75 20.62 -24.38 6.02 935
2 -12.25 20.62 -46.88 5.79 49
3 -15.75 16.88 -46.88 5.74 295
4 -19.25 84.38 20.62 5.60 295
5 -12.25 16.88 -50.62 5.51 49
6 -26.25 24.38 28.12 5.28 147
7 29.75 5.62 -5.62 5.26 147
8 36.75 20.62 -31.88 5.18 246
9 47.25 24.38 -1.88 5.12 147
10 12.25 13.12 -43.12 5.09 393
11 -22.75 -58.12 -50.62 5.08 393
11a -22.75 -46.88 -50.62 4.60
12 -19.25 61.88 50.62 5.05 49
13 -50.75 -9.38 -20.62 5.01 246
14 50.75 31.88 -31.88 4.97 49
15 -19.25 31.88 -35.62 4.91 196
16 1.75 -1.88 -61.88 4.86 295
17 33.25 5.62 -46.88 4.82 49
18 -12.25 1.88 -28.12 4.76 49
19 12.25 -61.88 -46.88 4.76 49
20 1.75 -28.12 -61.88 4.68 49
21 12.25 -35.62 -69.38 4.66 147
22 22.75 -58.12 -50.62 4.61 49
23 -54.25 -39.38 -31.88 4.60 49
24 1.75 13.12 -16.88 4.54 49
25 47.25 24.38 9.38 4.54 49
26 26.25 -46.88 1.88 4.54 49
27 40.25 5.62 31.88 4.53 98
28 -15.75 -43.12 -46.88 4.53 98
29 40.25 -58.12 -5.62 4.50 147
30 19.25 16.88 -46.88 4.50 49
31 5.25 24.38 -46.88 4.47 442
31a -1.75 28.12 -39.38 3.59
32 -5.25 -16.88 -39.38 4.45 98
33 50.75 24.38 -35.62 4.41 147
34 12.25 80.62 35.62 4.41 98
35 33.25 -35.62 -35.62 4.37 98
36 1.75 1.88 31.88 4.37 196
37 -12.25 76.88 20.62 4.36 98
38 47.25 -5.62 20.62 4.36 295
39 19.25 -46.88 -35.62 4.34 49
40 29.75 -1.88 24.38 4.33 49
41 -12.25 9.38 -58.12 4.29 98
42 54.25 5.62 50.62 4.29 49
43 15.75 -35.62 -73.12 4.28 49
44 19.25 80.62 1.88 4.28 98
45 54.25 1.88 43.12 4.27 98
46 15.75 76.88 28.12 4.26 49
47 -29.75 76.88 20.62 4.26 49
48 -54.25 9.38 -16.88 4.26 49
49 -1.75 -31.88 9.38 4.26 49
50 -22.75 -5.62 -20.62 4.25 49
51 -40.25 61.88 5.62 4.24 98
52 -47.25 24.38 20.62 4.22 49
53 26.25 13.12 -39.38 4.22 49
54 -1.75 -39.38 5.62 4.21 98
55 -8.75 28.12 54.38 4.17 196
56 40.25 -1.88 61.88 4.17 246
56a 40.25 -9.38 58.12 3.83
57 36.75 31.88 -39.38 4.17 246
58 -36.75 -1.88 -20.62 4.17 98
59 -5.25 -9.38 31.88 4.14 49
60 22.75 -54.38 -43.12 4.14 49
61 -29.75 20.62 -46.88 4.13 49
62 22.75 -1.88 9.38 4.11 49
63 -26.25 80.62 16.88 4.11 246
64 29.75 -46.88 -61.88 4.10 49
65 15.75 -28.12 -54.38 4.10 49
66 33.25 24.38 -43.12 4.08 98
67 -40.25 -16.88 -65.62 4.07 49
68 -47.25 31.88 -28.12 4.05 49
69 -26.25 76.88 24.38 4.05 147
70 19.25 -5.62 -35.62 4.04 49
71 54.25 1.88 35.62 4.03 196
72 12.25 24.38 -35.62 4.03 98
73 -26.25 -13.12 1.88 4.02 49
74 -5.25 80.62 31.88 4.02 147
75 -19.25 50.62 13.12 4.02 49
76 40.25 -43.12 -5.62 4.01 49
77 43.75 -31.88 -13.12 4.01 49
78 15.75 5.62 9.38 4.01 49
79 -33.25 -65.62 -16.88 4.00 49
80 26.25 -50.62 -54.38 4.00 98
81 33.25 -5.62 -1.88 3.99 49
82 40.25 -39.38 58.12 3.98 49
83 22.75 -43.12 -61.88 3.98 98
84 -19.25 20.62 24.38 3.98 49
85 57.75 -20.62 28.12 3.97 49
86 -5.25 84.38 1.88 3.96 49
87 40.25 -24.38 -35.62 3.96 49
88 -19.25 9.38 -35.62 3.95 49
89 12.25 80.62 -5.62 3.94 49
90 -5.25 -28.12 -76.88 3.94 147
91 50.75 50.62 20.62 3.93 49
92 19.25 -16.88 -54.38 3.93 49
93 33.25 -39.38 24.38 3.93 49
94 40.25 28.12 -43.12 3.92 98
95 -26.25 16.88 28.12 3.92 49
96 1.75 39.38 -16.88 3.92 49
97 -26.25 -24.38 20.62 3.91 49
98 -15.75 -9.38 28.12 3.91 49
99 -8.75 24.38 -35.62 3.90 98
100 50.75 -16.88 46.88 3.89 49
101 -15.75 76.88 31.88 3.89 49
102 1.75 -28.12 -76.88 3.89 49
103 47.25 16.88 -20.62 3.89 49
104 19.25 -28.12 73.12 3.87 49
105 57.75 -13.12 39.38 3.87 49
106 -8.75 84.38 20.62 3.87 98
107 29.75 76.88 13.12 3.87 49
108 40.25 13.12 -39.38 3.87 49
109 33.25 -69.38 -13.12 3.87 49
110 19.25 54.38 50.62 3.85 49
111 -12.25 -50.62 -50.62 3.85 49
112 -19.25 -1.88 -35.62 3.85 49
113 29.75 -50.62 -50.62 3.84 49
114 12.25 -61.88 9.38 3.84 49
115 -29.75 13.12 61.88 3.83 196
116 5.25 -1.88 5.62 3.83 98
117 15.75 -16.88 46.88 3.83 49
118 -1.75 -1.88 -76.88 3.82 98
119 -36.75 65.62 20.62 3.82 98
120 33.25 -39.38 -20.62 3.81 49
121 29.75 65.62 43.12 3.79 49
122 -50.75 -1.88 20.62 3.79 49
123 50.75 -39.38 -16.88 3.79 49
124 -12.25 -43.12 -13.12 3.78 49
125 -22.75 58.12 -20.62 3.77 246
126 5.25 39.38 -20.62 3.77 49
127 -26.25 31.88 -39.38 3.76 49
128 -1.75 -13.12 -54.38 3.76 98
129 -33.25 -58.12 -31.88 3.75 49
130 15.75 88.12 9.38 3.75 98
131 43.75 13.12 -28.12 3.75 98
132 26.25 -16.88 -16.88 3.75 49
133 -19.25 31.88 -28.12 3.74 49
134 5.25 9.38 -58.12 3.73 49
135 -8.75 9.38 65.62 3.73 49
136 -29.75 -69.38 9.38 3.73 98
137 -64.75 -5.62 5.62 3.71 98
138 12.25 -31.88 -46.88 3.71 49
139 15.75 50.62 -9.38 3.71 49
140 -40.25 -9.38 -5.62 3.70 49
141 33.25 -20.62 43.12 3.70 49
142 -12.25 -50.62 -13.12 3.69 49
143 26.25 -13.12 13.12 3.69 49
144 -5.25 80.62 13.12 3.68 49
145 -26.25 16.88 -16.88 3.67 49
146 19.25 -1.88 -1.88 3.66 49
147 19.25 16.88 -35.62 3.66 49
148 -1.75 73.12 35.62 3.66 49
149 29.75 -54.38 -61.88 3.65 49
150 1.75 -9.38 1.88 3.65 49
151 15.75 73.12 20.62 3.65 49
152 33.25 -50.62 -20.62 3.65 49
153 12.25 -35.62 -24.38 3.65 49
154 15.75 24.38 69.38 3.64 49
155 -47.25 -5.62 -28.12 3.64 49
156 -1.75 1.88 13.12 3.64 49
157 -40.25 69.38 13.12 3.63 49
158 12.25 -28.12 -31.88 3.62 49
159 8.75 1.88 24.38 3.62 49
160 29.75 -9.38 9.38 3.62 49
161 -15.75 -65.62 5.62 3.61 49
162 -26.25 -80.62 -5.62 3.61 49
163 33.25 5.62 16.88 3.60 49
164 33.25 -5.62 24.38 3.60 98
165 57.75 -1.88 5.62 3.60 49
166 15.75 -50.62 -35.62 3.60 49
167 33.25 -39.38 -43.12 3.60 49
168 33.25 24.38 61.88 3.60 49
169 -1.75 -35.62 -65.62 3.58 49
170 22.75 -20.62 20.62 3.58 49
171 -8.75 24.38 43.12 3.58 49
172 40.25 -13.12 46.88 3.58 49
173 -5.25 -20.62 54.38 3.58 98
174 -1.75 -13.12 31.88 3.57 49
175 -47.25 20.62 43.12 3.57 98
176 -33.25 69.38 20.62 3.56 98
177 57.75 -24.38 5.62 3.56 49
178 5.25 -65.62 20.62 3.56 49
179 26.25 -16.88 -35.62 3.55 49
180 -1.75 -46.88 -1.88 3.55 98
181 -50.75 13.12 20.62 3.55 49
182 40.25 69.38 16.88 3.55 49
183 1.75 16.88 -20.62 3.55 49
184 -29.75 20.62 20.62 3.54 49
185 -29.75 31.88 -9.38 3.54 49
186 40.25 -16.88 9.38 3.54 49
187 -12.25 88.12 9.38 3.54 49
188 -5.25 5.62 39.38 3.54 49
189 -1.75 -13.12 -5.62 3.54 49
190 -8.75 80.62 5.62 3.54 98
191 -50.75 -13.12 5.62 3.54 49
192 57.75 16.88 16.88 3.53 49
193 1.75 13.12 31.88 3.53 98
194 -33.25 39.38 54.38 3.53 49
195 -5.25 28.12 61.88 3.52 49
196 -43.75 -24.38 35.62 3.52 49
197 -43.75 31.88 -24.38 3.52 49
198 1.75 65.62 46.88 3.52 49
199 -5.25 5.62 -69.38 3.52 49
200 -22.75 -39.38 -54.38 3.51 49
201 33.25 -28.12 -39.38 3.51 49
202 -1.75 -5.62 -80.62 3.51 98
203 26.25 28.12 -43.12 3.51 49
204 33.25 31.88 -20.62 3.50 49
205 -33.25 73.12 9.38 3.50 49
206 -1.75 20.62 54.38 3.50 49
207 12.25 -1.88 43.12 3.50 49
208 57.75 -28.12 9.38 3.50 49
209 -12.25 1.88 9.38 3.49 49
210 -40.25 43.12 -31.88 3.49 49
211 43.75 -9.38 -16.88 3.49 49
212 47.25 -9.38 54.38 3.49 49
213 -57.75 -5.62 -1.88 3.48 49
214 50.75 1.88 46.88 3.48 49
215 15.75 88.12 16.88 3.47 49
216 54.25 9.38 28.12 3.47 98
217 -5.25 39.38 58.12 3.46 49
218 50.75 16.88 -5.62 3.46 49
219 15.75 46.88 -20.62 3.46 49
220 50.75 54.38 -5.62 3.46 49
221 33.25 -13.12 50.62 3.45 49
222 57.75 -24.38 -13.12 3.45 49
223 -22.75 -9.38 39.38 3.45 49
224 -19.25 -5.62 16.88 3.45 49
225 19.25 -5.62 61.88 3.45 49
226 -43.75 16.88 39.38 3.45 49
227 -1.75 -73.12 -31.88 3.44 49
228 -15.75 1.88 28.12 3.43 49
229 -54.25 20.62 -16.88 3.43 49
230 40.25 16.88 61.88 3.43 49
231 8.75 -1.88 28.12 3.43 49
232 47.25 -9.38 28.12 3.42 49
233 29.75 9.38 16.88 3.42 49
234 12.25 9.38 -54.38 3.42 98
235 33.25 -13.12 -61.88 3.42 49
236 -5.25 1.88 -76.88 3.42 49
237 33.25 -31.88 -43.12 3.42 49
238 -8.75 20.62 58.12 3.42 49
239 -36.75 69.38 16.88 3.42 49
240 -22.75 -88.12 -1.88 3.42 49
241 33.25 -1.88 -24.38 3.41 49
242 26.25 -61.88 -16.88 3.41 49
243 -12.25 46.88 -16.88 3.41 49
244 -47.25 -16.88 -39.38 3.40 49
245 33.25 24.38 31.88 3.40 49
246 43.75 -61.88 5.62 3.40 49
247 -40.25 -16.88 -20.62 3.40 49
248 50.75 -16.88 58.12 3.40 49
249 22.75 -20.62 -5.62 3.40 49
250 1.75 76.88 16.88 3.40 49
251 33.25 -20.62 -58.12 3.40 49
252 22.75 -35.62 -9.38 3.39 49
253 36.75 1.88 65.62 3.39 49
254 -22.75 -31.88 -43.12 3.39 49
255 -15.75 -46.88 -43.12 3.39 49
256 36.75 39.38 16.88 3.38 49
257 47.25 -16.88 31.88 3.38 49
258 36.75 -65.62 -13.12 3.38 49
259 12.25 -24.38 -50.62 3.38 49
260 8.75 76.88 16.88 3.37 49
261 29.75 -58.12 -46.88 3.37 49
262 -47.25 20.62 -16.88 3.37 49
263 22.75 -43.12 54.38 3.37 49
264 -5.25 -1.88 -28.12 3.37 98
265 -8.75 -5.62 -58.12 3.36 49
266 57.75 -9.38 43.12 3.35 49
267 -22.75 39.38 31.88 3.35 49
268 -8.75 5.62 73.12 3.35 49
269 1.75 -39.38 -20.62 3.34 49
270 54.25 -16.88 -13.12 3.34 98
271 -36.75 24.38 -39.38 3.34 49
272 -43.75 24.38 -1.88 3.34 49
273 47.25 -5.62 50.62 3.34 49
274 57.75 -31.88 46.88 3.33 49
275 50.75 -54.38 9.38 3.33 49
276 -33.25 28.12 -39.38 3.33 49
277 5.25 35.62 -9.38 3.32 49
278 5.25 -50.62 -5.62 3.31 49
279 -57.75 -9.38 -13.12 3.31 49
280 40.25 -43.12 54.38 3.31 49
281 -40.25 -31.88 39.38 3.30 49
282 22.75 -13.12 -20.62 3.30 49
283 33.25 39.38 -16.88 3.30 49
284 1.75 -9.38 -58.12 3.30 49
285 8.75 46.88 -20.62 3.30 49
286 -50.75 20.62 20.62 3.30 49
287 -43.75 16.88 58.12 3.30 49
288 -19.25 -13.12 -46.88 3.30 49
289 43.75 -50.62 -5.62 3.29 49
290 12.25 1.88 -69.38 3.29 49
291 1.75 -35.62 -13.12 3.29 49
292 -33.25 9.38 35.62 3.29 49


  • Date preprocessed:

In a jupyter notebook, the report will be automatically inserted, as above.

# We can access the report via a browser:
# report.open_in_browser()

# Or we can save as an html file.
from pathlib import Path

output_dir = Path.cwd() / "results" / "plot_haxby_glm_decoding"
output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
report.save_as_html(output_dir / "report.html")

Build the decoding pipeline

To define the decoding pipeline we use Decoder object, we choose :

  • a prediction model, here a Support Vector Classifier, with a linear kernel

  • the mask to use, here a ventral temporal ROI in the visual cortex

  • although it usually helps to decode better, z-maps time series don’t need to be rescaled to a 0 mean, variance of 1 so we use standardize=False.

  • we use univariate feature selection to reduce the dimension of the problem keeping only 5% of voxels which are most informative.

  • a cross-validation scheme, here we use LeaveOneGroupOut cross-validation on the runs which corresponds to a leave-one-run-out

We fit directly this pipeline on the Niimgs outputs of the GLM, with corresponding conditions labels and run labels (for the cross validation).

from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneGroupOut

from nilearn.decoding import Decoder

decoder = Decoder(
), conditions_label, groups=run_label)

# Return the corresponding mean prediction accuracy compared to chance
# for classifying one-vs-all items.

classification_accuracy = np.mean(list(decoder.cv_scores_.values()))
chance_level = 1.0 / len(np.unique(conditions))
    f"Classification accuracy: {classification_accuracy:.4f} / "
    f"Chance level: {chance_level}"
Classification accuracy: 0.7589 / Chance level: 0.125

Total running time of the script: (2 minutes 13.675 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 1015 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery