
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the class signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.


class nilearn.glm.Contrast(effect, variance, dim=None, dof=10000000000.0, stat_type='t', tiny=1e-50, dofmax=10000000000.0)[source]

The contrast class handles the estimation of statistical contrasts on a given model: student (t) or Fisher (F).

The important feature is that it supports addition, thus opening the possibility of fixed-effects models.

The current implementation is meant to be simple, and could be enhanced in the future on the computational side (high-dimensional F contrasts may lead to memory breakage).

__init__(effect, variance, dim=None, dof=10000000000.0, stat_type='t', tiny=1e-50, dofmax=10000000000.0)[source]

Construct instance.

effectarray of shape (contrast_dim, n_voxels)

The effects related to the contrast.

variancearray of shape (n_voxels)

The associated variance estimate.

dimint or None, optional

The dimension of the contrast.

dofscalar, default=DEF_DOFMAX

The degrees of freedom of the residuals.

stat_type{‘t’, ‘F’}, default=’t’

Specification of the contrast type.


Deprecated since version 0.10.3: Use stat_type instead (see above).

tinyfloat, default=DEF_TINY

Small quantity used to avoid numerical underflows.

dofmaxscalar, default=DEF_DOFMAX

The maximum degrees of freedom of the residuals.

property contrast_type

Return value of stat_type.

Deprecated since version 0.10.3.


Make access to summary statistics more straightforward when computing contrasts.


Make access to summary statistics more straightforward when computing contrasts.


Return the decision statistic associated with the test of the null hypothesis: (H0) ‘contrast equals baseline’.

baselinefloat, default=0.0

Baseline value for the test statistic.

stat1-d array, shape=(n_voxels,)

statistical values, one per voxel.


Return a parametric estimate of the p-value associated with the null hypothesis (H0): ‘contrast equals baseline’, using the survival function.

baselinefloat, default=0.0

Baseline value for the test statistic.

p_values1-d array, shape=(n_voxels,)

p-values, one per voxel


Return a parametric estimate of the 1 - p-value associated with the null hypothesis (H0): ‘contrast equals baseline’, using the cumulative distribution function, to ensure numerical stability.

baselinefloat, default=0.0

Baseline value for the test statistic.

one_minus_pvalues1-d array, shape=(n_voxels,)

one_minus_pvalues, one per voxel


Return a parametric estimation of the z-score associated with the null hypothesis: (H0) ‘contrast equals baseline’.

baselinefloat, optional, default=0.0

Baseline value for the test statistic.

z_score1-d array, shape=(n_voxels,)

statistical values, one per voxel

Examples using nilearn.glm.Contrast

Example of surface-based first-level analysis

Example of surface-based first-level analysis

Surface-based dataset first and second level analysis of a dataset

Surface-based dataset first and second level analysis of a dataset