This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.
- nilearn.plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords(img, mask_img=None, activation_threshold=None)[source]¶
Find the center of the largest activation connected component.
- Parameters:
- img3D Nifti1Image
The brain map.
- mask_img3D Nifti1Image or None, default=None
An optional brain mask, provided mask_img should not be empty.
- activation_threshold
or None, default=None The lower threshold to the positive activation. If None, the activation threshold is computed using the 80% percentile of the absolute value of the map.
- Returns:
- Raises:
- ValueError
if the specified threshold is a negative number
Examples using nilearn.plotting.find_xyz_cut_coords

Regions extraction using dictionary learning and functional connectomes
Regions extraction using dictionary learning and functional connectomes

Regions Extraction of Default Mode Networks using Smith Atlas
Regions Extraction of Default Mode Networks using Smith Atlas