
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.



Load the MNI152 skullstripped T1 template.

This function takes the skullstripped, re-scaled 1mm-resolution version of the MNI ICBM152 T1 template and re-samples it using a different resolution, if specified.

Nilearn MNI template

The Nilearn template is asymmetrical ICBM152 2009, release a.

The default template of fMRIPrep is the asymmetrical ICBM152 2009, release c (MNI152NLin2009cSAsym).

If you wish to use the exact same release as fMRIPrep, please refer to TemplateFlow.

resolutionint or None, default=None

Resolution in millimeters. If resolution is different from 1, the template is re-sampled with the specified resolution. Default to 1 if None is passed.

Added in version 0.8.1.

mni152_templateNifti1Image, image representing the re-sampled

whole-brain template

See also


for details regarding the difference between NiLearn and fMRIPrep ICBM152 template.


for details about version of the MNI152 grey-matter template.


for details about version of the MNI152 white-matter template.


For more information see the dataset description.

Examples using nilearn.datasets.load_mni152_template

Resample an image to a template

Resample an image to a template