This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the class signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.
- class nilearn.glm.ARModel(design, rho)[source]¶
A regression model with an AR(p) covariance structure.
In terms of a LikelihoodModel, the parameters are beta, the usual regression parameters, and sigma, a scalar nuisance parameter that shows up as multiplier in front of the AR(p) covariance.
- Parameters:
- designndarray
2D array with design matrix.
- rho
or array-like If int, gives order of model, and initializes rho to zeros. If ndarray, gives initial estimate of rho. Be careful as
ARModel(X, 1) != ARModel(X, 1.0)
- whiten(X)[source]¶
Whiten a series of columns according to AR(p) covariance structure.
- Parameters:
- Xarray-like of shape (n_features)
Array to whiten.
- Returns:
- whitened_Xndarray
X whitened with order self.order AR.
- fit(Y)[source]¶
Fit model to data Y.
Full fit of the model including estimate of covariance matrix, (whitened) residuals and scale.
- Parameters:
- Yarray-like
The dependent variable for the Least Squares problem.
- Returns:
- fitRegressionResults
- logL(beta, Y, nuisance=None)[source]¶
Return the value of the loglikelihood function at beta.
Given the whitened design matrix, the loglikelihood is evaluated at the parameter vector, beta, for the dependent variable, Y and the nuisance parameter, sigma Greene[1].
- Parameters:
- betandarray
The parameter estimates. Must be of length
.- Yndarray
The dependent variable
- nuisance
, default=None A dict with key ‘sigma’, which is an optional estimate of sigma. If None, defaults to its maximum likelihood estimate (with beta fixed) as
sum((Y - X*beta)**2) / n
, where n=Y.shape[0],
- Returns:
- loglffloat
The value of the loglikelihood function.
The log-Likelihood Function is defined as
The parameter
above is what is sometimes referred to as a nuisance parameter. That is, the likelihood is considered as a function of
, but to evaluate it, a value of
is needed.
is not provided, then its maximum likelihood estimate:
is plugged in. This likelihood is now a function of only
and is technically referred to as a profile-likelihood.