
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.


nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_surf_destrieux(data_dir=None, url=None, resume=True, verbose=1)[source]

Download and load Destrieux et al, 2010 cortical Deterministic atlas.

See Destrieux et al.[1].

This atlas returns 76 labels per hemisphere based on sulco-gryal patterns as distributed with Freesurfer in fsaverage5 surface space.

Added in version 0.3.

data_dirpathlib.Path or str or None, optional

Path where data should be downloaded. By default, files are downloaded in a nilearn_data folder in the home directory of the user. See also nilearn.datasets.utils.get_data_dirs.

urlstr or None, default=None

URL of file to download. Override download URL. Used for test only (or if you setup a mirror of the data).

resumebool, default=True

Whether to resume download of a partly-downloaded file.

verboseint, default=1

Verbosity level (0 means no message).


Dictionary-like object, contains:

  • ‘labels’list of str

    List of the names of the regions.

  • ‘map_left’: numpy.ndarray of int

    Maps each vertex on the left hemisphere of the fsaverage5 surface to its index into the list of label name.

  • ‘map_right’: numpy.ndarray of int

    Maps each vertex on the right hemisphere of the fsaverage5 surface to its index into the list of label name.

  • ‘description’str

    Description of the dataset.

  • ‘lut’pandas.DataFrame

    Act as a look up table (lut) with at least columns ‘index’ and ‘name’. Formatted according to ‘dseg.tsv’ format from BIDS.

  • ‘template’str

    The standardized space of analysis in which the atlas results are provided. When known it should be a valid template name taken from the spaces described in the BIDS specification.

  • ‘atlas_type’str

    Type of atlas. See Probabilistic atlas and Deterministic atlas.


Examples using nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_surf_destrieux

Loading and plotting of a cortical surface atlas

Loading and plotting of a cortical surface atlas

Making a surface plot of a 3D statistical map

Making a surface plot of a 3D statistical map

Seed-based connectivity on the surface

Seed-based connectivity on the surface

A short demo of the surface images & maskers

A short demo of the surface images & maskers