AAL atlas


See nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_aal.


This atlas is the result of an automated anatomical parcellation of the spatially normalized single-subject high-resolution T1 volume provided by the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) (Collins et al.[1]).

Using this parcellation method, three procedures to perform the automated anatomical labeling of functional studies are proposed: (1) labeling of an extremum defined by a set of coordinates, (2) percentage of voxels belonging to each of the AVOI intersected by a sphere centered by a set of coordinates, and (3) percentage of voxels belonging to each of the AVOI intersected by an activated cluster.

For more information on this atlas, see AAL template for SPM 12[2], and Tzourio-Mazoyer et al.[3].



str. path to nifti file containing regions.


dict. labels dictionary with their region id as key and name as value


For more information on this dataset’s structure, see http://www.gin.cnrs.fr/AAL-217?lang=en

