Continuous integration¶
Please note that if one of the following markers appear in the latest commit message, the following actions are taken.
Commit message marker |
Action taken by CI |
[skip ci] |
Gtihub CI is skipped completely. Several other options are also possible, see github documentation. |
[skip test] |
Skip running the tests. |
[skip doc] |
Skip building the doc. |
[test nightly] |
Run tests on the nightly build of Nilearn’s dependencies. |
[full doc] |
Run a full build of the documentation (meaning that all examples will be run). |
[example] |
Run partial documentation build but will run the requested example. |
[force download] |
Force a download of all the dataset required for the build of the documentation. |
Documentation build and deploy¶
flowchart TD subgraph Circle-CI nilearn_CCI(["host_docs job"]) end subgraph GitHub - nilearn_doc_dev["<code>/dev"] nilearn_doc_stable["<code>/stable"] end subgraph GitHub - nilearn DocumentationBuilder["build-docs.yml"] trigger_hosting["trigger_hosting_on_pr.yml"] artifacts@{ shape: docs, label: "doc build artifacts" } end DocumentationBuilder -- on main --> nilearn_doc_dev DocumentationBuilder -- on GitHub release ---> nilearn_doc_stable DocumentationBuilder -- on PR --> trigger_hosting & artifacts trigger_hosting -- triggers --> nilearn_CCI artifacts -. fetched by .-> nilearn_CCI
The development docs are built using GitHub Actions and Circle-CI.
The workflow .github/workflows/build-docs.yml
builds the doc and stores as a Github artifact.
On the main
branch (or respectively on GitHub release),
this workflow will also deploy the doc
to on the dev
(respectively stable
On pull-request,
a successful build of the doc by .github/workflows/build-docs.yml
triggers trigger_hosting_on_pr.yml
This latter workflow will launch the circle-CI host_docs
jobs by calling the circle-CI API.
CircleCI download the doc artifacts from GitHub and hosts it on circle-CI.
The documentation for a pull request can be accessed on,
by selecting the host_and_deploy_doc
workflow for the corresponding pull-request,
then by selecting the host_docs
clicking on the ARTIFACTS
and opening the the landing page of the deployed doc by clikcing on index.html
GitHub Actions Specification¶
Workflow file: assign.yml
Allows anyone to self-assign an issue automatically by commenting the word take on any issue.
See also
Adapted from Scikit-learn.
Workflow file: auto-comment.yml
Automatically comments on a newly open pull request to provide some guidelines, useful links and a checklist.
The checklist is only editable by maintainers at the moment.
Workflow file: build-docs.yml
Workflow to build the documentation.
validate CITATION.CFF file
get datasets from cache or from source
build doc and upload it as artifact
on main (or on github release): trigger hosting of dev (or stable) doc on
Control via commit message
This workflow can be controlled if your commit message contains:
[full doc]
runs a full build on pull-request.[skip doc]
skip build of the documentation.[example]
trigger build of some specific examples.[force download]
do not rely of cached datasets and force to redownload them.
On Pull Requests, “partial builds” are run by default which render all the rst files, but only build examples modified in the Pull Request. This saves a lot of time and resources when working on Pull Requests.
Occasionally, some changes necessitate rebuilding the documentation from scratch, for example to see the full effect of the changes. These are called “full builds”.
You can request a full build from a Pull Request at any time by including the tag [full doc]
in your commit message.
Note that this will trigger a full build of the documentation which usually takes >90 minutes.
$ git commit -m "[full doc] request full build"
Full builds are always run on “main”. This is done every time there is a push on “main” and every week.
Most of this workflow is skipped if [skip doc]
is in the commit message.
Though partial builds will build modified examples,
sometimes code changes on the module side could affect the plots in unmodified examples.
For this, you can request for the CI to build a specific example
by using the tag [example]
and the name of the example.
This is useful when wanting to get quick feedback from reviewers.
$ git commit -m "[example]"
However for quick checks to do yourself you should always opt for local builds following the instructions here: in the Building documentation section.
Dataset caching¶
We also implemented a dataset caching strategy within this workflow such that datasets are only downloaded once every month. Once these datasets are cached, they will be used by all jobs running without requiring any download. This saves a lot of time and avoids potential network errors that can happen when downloading datasets from remote servers.
Data is cached after the get_data
job to be passed to the build_docs
Data can be cached and restored across attempts of a run of this workflow.
Data can be cached and restored across run of this workflow.
Note that you can request to download all datasets and ignore the cache at any time
by including the tag [force download]
in your commit message.
To run a full build and download all datasets, you would then combine both tags:
$ git commit -m "[full doc][force download] request full build"
Workflow file: check_gha_workflow.yml
Workflow to check the time taken to run tests and build the documentation.
Pings Github API to collect information about:
how long each run of the test suite lasted,
how long the build of the doc lasted.
Plots the results and saves it as an artifact to download and manually inspect to see if there is a trend in tests or doc build taking longer.
See also
Workflow file: circle_artifacts.yml
Display a link to the circle-CI artifacts at the bottom of a pull-request.
Workflow file: linkcheck.yml
Check for dead links in the the documentation.
Links to ignore are set in doc/
(see linkcheck_.*
Workflow file: nightly_dependencies.yml
Run test suite using the nightly release of Nilearn dependencies.
Control via commit message
This workflow can be controlled if your commit message contains:
`[test nightly]
runs the workflow on pull-request.
When running on main, if the workflow fails the action will open an issue using this issue template.
Workflow file: sourcery.yml
Runs Sourcery refactoring on the entire codebase.
If some potential refactoring are found it opens a pull-request.
that can be obtained from
logging into the sourcery website
with your github account.
Workflow file: test_with_tox.yml
Runs pytest in several environments including several Python and dependencies versions as well as on different systems. All environments are defined in tox.ini.
Control via commit message
This workflow can be controlled if your commit message contains:
[skip test]
skip this workflow.
Workflow file: testing_install.yml
Tries to install Nilearn from wheel & check installation on all operating systems.
Workflow file: testing_minimum.yml
This workflow is triggered when a new commit is pushed to the main branch (or when a pull request is merged) and is also automatically run once a month.
Checks that installing the minimum version of a given dependency of Nilearn along with the latest version of all the other dependencies leads to a successful run of all the tests.
Workflow file: trigger_hosting_on_pr.yml
Trigger hosting of the doc on circle-ci on pull-requests.
We get the url for the artifacts for circle-ci via .
This must be run in a separate workflow because for security reasons the secrets for login to circle-ci cannot be accessed by pull-requests opened from a fork.
So this workflow waits for the doc building workflow to finish successfully before grabbing its output and pushing it to circle-CI.
used in this workflow must be a personal token and not a project token:
Circle-CI workflows¶
Source file: .circleci/config.yml