This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.
- nilearn.datasets.fetch_megatrawls_netmats(dimensionality=100, timeseries='eigen_regression', matrices='partial_correlation', data_dir=None, resume=True, verbose=1)[source]¶
Download and return Network Matrices data from MegaTrawls release in HCP.
This data can be used to predict relationships between imaging data and non-imaging behavioral measures such as age, sex, education, etc. The network matrices are estimated from functional connectivity datasets of 461 subjects. Full technical details in references.
More information available in Smith et al.[1], Smith et al.[2], Filippini et al.[3], Smith et al.[4], and O’Reilly et al.[5].
- Parameters:
- dimensionality
, default=100 Valid inputs are 25, 50, 100, 200, 300. By default, network matrices estimated using Group ICA brain parcellation of 100 components/dimensions will be returned.
- timeseries
, default=’eigen_regression’ Valid inputs are ‘multiple_spatial_regression’ or ‘eigen_regression’. By default ‘eigen_regression’, matrices estimated using first principal eigen component timeseries signals extracted from each subject data parcellations will be returned. Otherwise, ‘multiple_spatial_regression’ matrices estimated using spatial regressor based timeseries signals extracted from each subject data parcellations will be returned.
- matrices
, default=’partial_correlation’ Valid inputs are ‘full_correlation’ or ‘partial_correlation’. By default, partial correlation matrices will be returned otherwise if selected full correlation matrices will be returned.
- data_dir
, optional Path where data should be downloaded. By default, files are downloaded in a
folder in the home directory of the user. See alsonilearn.datasets.utils.get_data_dirs
.- resume
, default=True Whether to resume download of a partly-downloaded file.
- verbose
, default=1 Verbosity level (0 means no message).
- dimensionality
- Returns:
- dataBunch
Dictionary-like object, the attributes are :
‘dimensions’: int, consists of given input in dimensions.
‘timeseries’: str, consists of given input in timeseries method.
‘matrices’: str, consists of given type of specific matrices.
‘correlation_matrices’: ndarray, consists of correlation matrices based on given type of matrices. Array size will depend on given dimensions (n, n).
‘description’: data description
See description for terms & conditions on data usage.
Examples using nilearn.datasets.fetch_megatrawls_netmats

Visualizing Megatrawls Network Matrices from Human Connectome Project