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8.2.24. nilearn.datasets.fetch_miyawaki2008¶
- nilearn.datasets.fetch_miyawaki2008(data_dir=None, url=None, resume=True, verbose=1)[source]¶
Download and loads Miyawaki et al. 2008 dataset (153MB).
See 1.
- Parameters
- data_dirstring, optional
Path of the data directory. Used to force data storage in a specified location. Default: None
- urlstring, optional
Override download URL. Used for test only (or if you setup a mirror of the data). Default: None
- resumebool, optional
Whether to resume download of a partly-downloaded file. Default=True.
- verboseint, optional
Verbosity level (0 means no message). Default=1.
- Returns
- dataBunch
Dictionary-like object, the interest attributes are :
- ‘func’: string list
Paths to nifti file with bold data
- ‘label’: string list
Paths to text file containing session and target data
- ‘mask’: string
Path to nifti mask file to define target volume in visual cortex
- ‘background’: string
Path to nifti file containing a background image usable as a background image for miyawaki images.
This dataset is available on the brainliner website
- 1
Yoichi Miyawaki, Hajime Uchida, Okito Yamashita, Masa-aki Sato, Yusuke Morito, Hiroki C. Tanabe, Norihiro Sadato, and Yukiyasu Kamitani. Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders. Neuron, 60(5):915–929, 2008. URL:, doi: