This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture. nilearn.datasets.get_data_dirs¶
- nilearn.datasets.get_data_dirs(data_dir=None)[source]¶
Returns the directories in which nilearn looks for data.
This is typically useful for the end-user to check where the data is downloaded and stored.
- Parameters
- data_dir
, optional Path where data should be downloaded. By default, files are downloaded in home directory.
- data_dir
- Returns
- pathslist of strings
Paths of the dataset directories.
This function retrieves the datasets directories using the following priority :
defaults system paths
the keyword argument data_dir
the global environment variable NILEARN_SHARED_DATA
the user environment variable NILEARN_DATA
nilearn_data in the user home folder