This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.
8.7.3. nilearn.masking.compute_brain_mask¶
- nilearn.masking.compute_brain_mask(target_img, threshold=0.5, connected=True, opening=2, memory=None, verbose=0)[source]¶
Compute the whole-brain mask. This mask is calculated through the resampling of the MNI152 template mask onto the target image.
- Parameters
- target_imgNiimg-like object
See Images used to compute the mask. 3D and 4D images are accepted. Only the shape and affine of target_img will be used here.
- thresholdfloat, optional
The value under which the MNI template is cut off. Default value is 0.5
- connectedbool, optional
if connected is True, only the largest connected component is kept. Default is True
- openingbool or int, optional
if opening is True, a morphological opening is performed, to keep only large structures. If opening is an integer n, it is performed via n erosions. After estimation of the largest connected constituent, 2`n` closing operations are performed followed by n erosions. This corresponds to 1 opening operation of order n followed by a closing operator of order n.
- memoryinstance of joblib.Memory or str
Used to cache the function call.
- verboseint, optional
Controls the amount of verbosity: higher numbers give more messages
- Returns
- masknibabel.Nifti1Image
The whole-brain mask (3D image)