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8.2.9. nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_yeo_2011¶
- nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_yeo_2011(data_dir=None, url=None, resume=True, verbose=1)[source]¶
Download and return file names for the Yeo 2011 parcellation.
The provided images are in MNI152 space.
For more information on this dataset’s structure, see 1, and 2.
- Parameters
- data_dirstring, optional
Directory where data should be downloaded and unpacked.
- urlstring, optional
Url of file to download.
- resumebool, optional
Whether to resumed download of a partly-downloaded file. Default=True.
- verboseint, optional
Verbosity level (0 means no message). Default=1.
- Returns
- datasklearn.datasets.base.Bunch
Dictionary-like object, keys are:
“thin_7”, “thick_7”: 7-region parcellations, fitted to resp. thin and thick template cortex segmentations.
“thin_17”, “thick_17”: 17-region parcellations.
“colors_7”, “colors_17”: colormaps (text files) for 7- and 17-region parcellation respectively.
“anat”: anatomy image.
Licence: unknown.
- 1
Cortical parcellation estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. Accessed: 2021-05-19.
- 2
B. T. Thomas Yeo, Fenna M. Krienen, Jorge Sepulcre, Mert R. Sabuncu, Danial Lashkari, Marisa Hollinshead, Joshua L. Roffman, Jordan W. Smoller, Lilla Zöllei, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Bruce Fischl, Hesheng Liu, and Randy L. Buckner. The organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. Journal of Neurophysiology, 106(3):1125–1165, 2011. PMID: 21653723. URL:, arXiv:, doi:10.1152/jn.00338.2011.