Released March 2021
New atlas fetcher
to download Dictionaries of Functional Modes, or “DiFuMo”, that can serve as atlases to extract functional signals with different dimensionalities (64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024). These modes are optimized to represent well raw BOLD timeseries, over a with range of experimental conditions.nilearn.decoding.Decoder
is now implemented with random predictions to estimate a chance level.The functions
is now implemented with new display mode Mosaic. That implies plotting 3D maps in multiple columns and rows in a single axes.nilearn.plotting.plot_carpet
now supports discrete atlases. When an atlas is used, a colorbar is added to the figure, optionally with labels corresponding to the different values in the atlas.
New atlas fetcher
to download Dictionaries of Functional Modes, or “DiFuMo”, that can serve as atlases to extract functional signals with different dimensionalities (64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024). These modes are optimized to represent well raw BOLD timeseries, over a with range of experimental conditions.nilearn.glm.Contrast.one_minus_pvalue
was added to ensure numerical stability of p-value estimation. It computes 1 - p-value using the Cumulative Distribution Function in the same way as nilearn.glm.Contrast.p_value computes the p-value using the Survival Function.
Fix altered, non-zero baseline in design matrices where multiple events in the same condition end at the same time (https://github.com/nilearn/nilearn/issues/2674).
Fix testing issues on ARM machine.
is now implemented with random predictions to estimate a chance level.nilearn.decoding.Decoder
, andnilearn.decoding.FREMClassifier
now override the score method to use whatever scoring strategy was defined through the scoring attribute instead of the sklearn default. If the scoring attribute of the decoder is set to None, the scoring strategy will default to accuracy for classifiers and to r2 score for regressors.nilearn.plotting.plot_surf
and deriving functions likenilearn.plotting.plot_surf_roi
now accept an optional argument cbar_tick_format to specify how numbers should be displayed on the colorbar of surface plots. The default format is scientific notation except fornilearn.plotting.plot_surf_roi
for which it is set as integers.nilearn.plotting.plot_carpet
now supports discrete atlases. When an atlas is used, a colorbar is added to the figure, optionally with labels corresponding to the different values in the atlas.nilearn.input_data.NiftiMasker
, andnilearn.input_data.NiftiSpheresMasker
can now compute high variance confounds on the images provided to transform and regress them out automatically. This behaviour is controlled through the high_variance_confounds boolean parameter of these maskers which default to False.nilearn.input_data.NiftiLabelsMasker
now automatically replaces NaNs in input data with zeros, to match the behavior of other maskers.nilearn.datasets.fetch_neurovault
now implements a resample boolean argument to either perform a fixed resampling during download or keep original images. This can be handy to reduce disk usage. By default, the downloaded images are not resampled.The functions
is now implemented with new display mode Mosaic. That implies plotting 3D maps in multiple columns and rows in a single axes.psc standardization option of
now allows time series with negative mean values.nilearn.reporting.make_glm_report
have a new argument, “two_sided”, which allows for two-sided thresholding, which is disabled by default.
Released November 2020
Nilearn now includes the functionality of Nistats as
. This module is experimental, hence subject to change in any future release. Here’s a guide to replacing Nistats imports to work in Nilearn.New decoder object
(for classification) andnilearn.decoding.DecoderRegressor
(for regression) implement a model selection scheme that averages the best models within a cross validation loop.New FREM object
(for classification) andnilearn.decoding.FREMRegressor
(for regression) extend the decoder object with one fast clustering step at the beginning and aggregates a high number of estimators trained on various splits of the training set.New plotting functions:
to visualize events file.nilearn.plotting.plot_roi
can now plot ROIs in contours with view_type argument.nilearn.plotting.plot_carpet
generates a “carpet plot” (also known as a “Power plot” or a “grayplot”)nilearn.plotting.plot_img_on_surf
generates multiple views ofnilearn.plotting.plot_surf_stat_map
in a single figure.nilearn.plotting.plot_markers
shows network nodes (markers) on a glass brain templatenilearn.plotting.plot_surf_contours
plots the contours of regions of interest on the surface
Minimum required version of Joblib is now 0.12.
Nilearn now includes the functionality of Nistats. Here’s a guide to replacing Nistats imports to work in Nilearn.
New decoder object
(for classification) andnilearn.decoding.DecoderRegressor
(for regression) implement a model selection scheme that averages the best models within a cross validation loop. The resulting average model is the one used as a classifier or a regressor. These two objects also leverage the NiftiMaskers to provide a direct interface with the Nifti files on disk.New FREM object
(for classification) andnilearn.decoding.FREMRegressor
(for regression) extend the decoder object pipeline with one fast clustering step at the beginning (yielding an implicit spatial regularization) and aggregates a high number of estimators trained on various splits of the training set. This returns a state-of-the-art decoding pipeline at a low computational cost. These two objects also leverage the NiftiMaskers to provide a direct interface with the Nifti files on disk.Plot events file Use
to visualize events file. The function accepts the BIDS events file read using pandas utilities.Plotting function
can now plot ROIs in contours with view_type argument.New plotting function
generates a “carpet plot” (also known as a “Power plot” or a “grayplot”), for visualizing global patterns in 4D functional data over time.New plotting function
generates multiple views ofnilearn.plotting.plot_surf_stat_map
in a single figure.nilearn.plotting.plot_markers
shows network nodes (markers) on a glass brain template and color code them according to provided nodal measure (i.e. connection strength). This function will replacenilearn.plotting.plot_connectome_strength
.New plotting function
plots the contours of regions of interest on the surface, optionally overlayed on top of a statistical map.The position annotation on the plot methods now implements the decimals option to enable annotation of a slice coordinate position with the float.
New example in Cortical surface-based searchlight decoding to demo how to do cortical surface-based searchlight decoding with Nilearn.
confounds or additional regressors for design matrix can be specified as numpy arrays or pandas DataFrames interchangeably
The decomposition estimators will now accept argument per_component with score method to explain the variance for each component.
no longer ignores its mask_imgnilearn.masking.compute_brain_mask
has replaced nilearn.masking.compute_gray_matter_mask. Features remained the same but some corrections regarding its description were made in the docstring.the default background (MNI template) in plotting functions now has the correct orientation; before left and right were inverted.
first level modelling can deal with regressors having multiple events which share onsets or offsets. Previously, such cases could lead to an erroneous baseline shift.
no longer returns transposed t-statistic arrays when no permutations are performed.Fix decomposition estimators returning explained variance score as 0. based on all components i.e., when per_component=False.
Fix readme file of the Destrieux 2009 atlas.
has been deprecated and will be removed in release 0.9 .nilearn.plotting.plot_connectome_strength
has been deprecated and will be removed in release 0.9 .nilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure
can now remove confounds in its transform step.nilearn.surface.vol_to_surf
can now sample between two nested surfaces (eg white matter and pial surfaces) at specific cortical depthsnilearn.datasets.fetch_surf_fsaverage
now also downloads white matter surfaces.
Generated documentation now includes Binder links to launch examples interactively in the browser
now has an inverse transform, projecting spheres to the corresponding mask_img.
More robust matplotlib backend selection
Typo in example fixed
Atlas nilearn.datasets.fetch_nyu_rest has been deprecated and wil be removed in Nilearn 0.8.0 .
The following people contributed to this release:
Elizabeth DuPre
Franz Liem
Gael Varoquaux
Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño
Joshua Teves
Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
Zvi Baratz
Simon R. Steinkamp
html pages use the user-provided plot title, if any, as their title
Fetchers for developmental_fmri and localizer datasets resolve URLs correctly.
The following people contributed to this release:
Elizabeth DuPre
Jerome Dockes
Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
Released December 2019
A new method for
instances for generating reports viewable in a web browser, Jupyter Notebook, or VSCode.A new function
to replace the deprecated nibabel method Nifti1Image.get_data. Now use nilearn.image.get_data(img) rather than img.get_data(). This is because Nibabel is removing the get_data method. You may also consider using the Nibabel Nifti1Image.get_fdata, which returns the data cast to floating-point. See https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/wiki/BIAP8 . As a benefit, the get_data function works on niimg-like objects such as filenames (see http://nilearn.github.io/manipulating_images/input_output.html ).Parcellation method ReNA: Fast agglomerative clustering based on recursive nearest neighbor grouping. Yields very fast & accurate models, without creation of giant clusters.
Plot connectome strength Use
to plot the strength of a connectome on a glass brain. Strength is absolute sum of the edges at a node.Optimization to image resampling
New brain development fMRI dataset fetcher
can be used to download movie-watching data in children and adults. A light-weight dataset implemented for teaching and usage in the examples. All the connectivity examples are changed from ADHD to brain development fmri dataset.
can display a title, and allow disabling the colorbar, and setting its height and the fontsize of its ticklabels.Rework of the standardize-options of
and the various Maskers in nilearn.input_data. You can now set standardize to zscore or psc. psc stands for Percent Signal Change, which can be a meaningful metric for BOLD.Class
now accepts an optional strategy parameter which allows it to change the function used to reduce values within each labelled ROI. Available functions include mean, median, minimum, maximum, standard_deviation and variance. This change is also introduced innilearn.regions.img_to_signals_labels
now accepts surface data provided as a file path.
now has explicit keyword arguments bg_img, vmin and vmax to control the background image and the bounds of the colormap. These arguments were already accepted in kwargs but not documented before.
no longer truncates region means to their integral part when input images are of integer type.The arg version=’det’ in
now works as expected.pip install nilearn now installs the necessary dependencies.
Lots of other fixes in documentation and examples. More detailed change list follows:
0.6.0rc NEW — .. warning:
- :func:`nilearn.plotting.view_connectome` no longer accepts old parameter names.
Instead of `coords`, `threshold`, `cmap`, and `marker_size`,
use `node_coords`, `edge_threshold`, `edge_cmap`, `node_size` respectively.
- :func:`nilearn.plotting.view_markers` no longer accepts old parameter names.
Instead of `coord` and `color`, use `marker_coords` and `marker_color` respectively.
Support for Python3.5 wil be removed in the 0.7.x release. Users with a Python3.5 environment will be warned at their first Nilearn import.
Add a warning to
if the generated number of parcels does not match the requested number of parcels.Class
now accepts an optional strategy parameter which allows it to change the function used to reduce values within each labelled ROI. Available functions include mean, median, minimum, maximum, standard_deviation and variance. This change is also introduced innilearn.regions.img_to_signals_labels
no longer truncates region means to their integral part when input images are of integer type.- func
nilearn.image.smooth_image no longer fails if fwhm is a numpy.ndarray.
pip install nilearn now installs the necessary dependencies.
no longer attempts to copy non-iterable headers. (PR #2212)Nilearn no longer raises ImportError for nose when Matplotlib is not installed.
The arg version=’det’ in
now works as expected.nilearn.input_data.NiftiLabelsMasker.inverse_transform
now works without the need to call transform first.
The following people contributed to this release (in alphabetical order):
Chris Markiewicz
Dan Gale
Daniel Gomez
Derek Pisner
Elizabeth DuPre
Eric Larson
Gael Varoquaux
Jerome Dockes
Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
Paula Sanz-Leon
Released November 2019
A new function
to replace the deprecated nibabel method Nifti1Image.get_data. Now use nilearn.image.get_data(img) rather than img.get_data(). This is because Nibabel is removing the get_data method. You may also consider using the Nibabel Nifti1Image.get_fdata, which returns the data cast to floating-point. See https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/wiki/BIAP8 . As a benefit, the get_data function works on niimg-like objects such as filenames (see http://nilearn.github.io/manipulating_images/input_output.html ).
All functions and examples now use nilearn.image.get_data rather than the deprecated method nibabel.Nifti1Image.get_data.
now does not filter out images that have their metadata field is_valid cleared by default.Users can now specify fetching data for adults, children, or both from
now correctly displays marker size on ‘l’ and ‘r’ orientations, if an array or a list is passed to the function.
The following people contributed to this release (in alphabetical order):
Jake Vogel
Jerome Dockes
Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
Roberto Guidotti
Released October 2019
A new method for
instances for generating reports viewable in a web browser, Jupyter Notebook, or VSCode.joblib is now a dependency
Parcellation method ReNA: Fast agglomerative clustering based on recursive nearest neighbor grouping. Yields very fast & accurate models, without creation of giant clusters.
Plot connectome strength Use
to plot the strength of a connectome on a glass brain. Strength is absolute sum of the edges at a node.Optimization to image resampling
has been optimized to pad rather than resample images in the special case when there is only a translation between two spaces. This is a common case innilearn.input_data.NiftiMasker
when using the mask_strategy=”template” option for brains in MNI space.New brain development fMRI dataset fetcher
can be used to download movie-watching data in children and adults; a light-weight dataset implemented for teaching and usage in the examples.New example in examples/05_advanced/plot_age_group_prediction_cross_val.py to compare methods for classifying subjects into age groups based on functional connectivity. Similar example in examples/03_connectivity/plot_group_level_connectivity.py simplified.
Merged examples/03_connectivity/plot_adhd_spheres.py and examples/03_connectivity/plot_sphere_based_connectome.py to remove duplication across examples. The improved examples/03_connectivity/plot_sphere_based_connectome.py contains concepts previously reviewed in both examples.
Merged examples/03_connectivity/plot_compare_decomposition.py and examples/03_connectivity/plot_canica_analysis.py into an improved examples/03_connectivity/plot_compare_decomposition.py.
The Localizer dataset now follows the BIDS organization.
All the connectivity examples are changed from ADHD to brain development fmri dataset.
Examples plot_decoding_tutorial, plot_haxby_decoder, plot_haxby_different_estimators, plot_haxby_full_analysis, plot_oasis_vbm now use
instead of sklearn SVC and SVR.nilearn.plotting.view_img_on_surf
now allow disabling the colorbar, and setting its height and the fontsize of its ticklabels.nilearn.plotting.view_img_on_surf
can now display a title.Rework of the standardize-options of
and the various Maskers in nilearn.input_data. You can now set standardize to zscore or psc. psc stands for Percent Signal Change, which can be a meaningful metric for BOLD.nilearn.plotting.plot_img
now has explicit keyword arguments bg_img, vmin and vmax to control the background image and the bounds of the colormap. These arguments were already accepted in kwargs but not documented before.nilearn.plotting.view_connectome
now converts NaNs in the adjacency matrix to 0.Removed the plotting connectomes example which used the Seitzman atlas from examples/03_connectivity/plot_sphere_based_connectome.py. The atlas data is unsuitable for the method & the example is redundant.
with colorbar=True does not crash when images have NaNs.add_contours now accepts threshold argument for filled=False. Now threshold is equally applied when asked for fillings in the contours.
no longer threshold zero values when no threshold is given.When
is used with a thresholded map but without a background map, the surface mesh is displayed in half-transparent grey to maintain a 3D perception.nilearn.plotting.view_surf
now accepts surface data provided as a file path.nilearn.plotting.plot_glass_brain
now correctly displays the left ‘l’ orientation even when the given images are completely masked (empty images).nilearn.plotting.plot_matrix
providing labels=None, False, or an empty list now correctly disables labels.nilearn.plotting.plot_surf_roi
now takes vmin, vmax parametersnilearn.datasets.fetch_surf_nki_enhanced
is now downloading the correct left and right functional surface data for each subjectnilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_schaefer_2018
now downloads from release version 0.14.3 (instead of 0.8.1) by default, which includes corrected region label names along with 700 and 900 region parcelations.Colormap creation functions have been updated to avoid matplotlib deprecation warnings about colormap reversal.
Neurovault fetcher no longer fails if unable to update dataset metadata file due to faulty permissions.
The following people contributed to this release (in alphabetical order):
Alexandre Abraham
Alexandre Gramfort
Ana Luisa
Ana Luisa Pinho
Andrés Hoyos Idrobo
Antoine Grigis
Bertrand Thirion
Colin Reininger
Céline Delettre
Dan Gale
Daniel Gomez
Elizabeth DuPre
Eric Larson
Franz Liem
Gael Varoquaux
Gilles de Hollander
Greg Kiar
Guillaume Lemaitre
Ian Abenes
Jake Vogel
Jerome Dockes
Jerome-Alexis Chevalier
Julia Huntenburg
Kamalakar Daddy
Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
Mehdi Rahim
Moritz Boos
Sylvain Takerkart
Released April 2019
files in MNE broke in0.5.1
and has been fixed.
The following people contributed to this release:
11 Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
3 Gael Varoquaux
2 Alexandre Gramfort
Released April 2019
Support for Python2 & Python3.4 wil be removed in the next release. We recommend Python 3.6 and up. Users with a Python2 or Python3.4 environment will be warned at their first Nilearn import.
Calculate image data dtype from header information
New display mode ‘tiled’ which allows 2x2 plot arrangement when plotting three cuts (see Plotting brain images).
NiftiLabelsMasker now consumes less memory when extracting the signal from a 3D/4D image. This is especially noteworthy when extracting signals from large 4D images.
New function
New function
Lighting used for interactive surface plots changed; plots may look a bit different.
default colormap is bwr, consistent with plot_connectome.nilearn.plotting.view_connectome
parameter names are consistent with plot_connectome:coords is now node_coord
marker_size is noe node_size
cmap is now edge_cmap
threshold is now edge_threshold
can accept different marker sizes for each node / marker.nilearn.plotting.view_markers
default marker color is now ‘red’, consistent with add_markers().nilearn.plotting.view_markers
parameter names are consistent with add_markers():coords is now marker_coords
colors is now marker_color
now accepts a symmetric_cmap argument to control whether the colormap is centered around 0 and a vmin argument.Users can now control the size and fontsize of colorbars in interactive surface and connectome plots, or disable the colorbar.
Example plot_seed_to_voxel_correlation now really saves z-transformed maps.
region_extractor.connected_regions and regions.RegionExtractor now correctly use the provided mask_img.
load_niimg no longer drops header if dtype is changed.
NiftiSpheresMasker no longer silently ignores voxels if no mask_img is specified.
Interactive brainsprites generated from view_img are correctly rendered in Jupyter Book.
Known Issues¶
On Python2,
do not show parameters names in function signature when using help() and similar features. Please refer to their docstrings for this information.Plotting
files in MNE is broken.
The following people contributed to this release:
2 Bertrand Thirion
90 Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
22 fliem
16 Jerome Dockes
11 Gael Varoquaux
8 Salma Bougacha
7 himanshupathak21061998
2 Elizabeth DuPre
1 Eric Larson
1 Pierre Bellec
Released November 2018
interactive plotting functions, eg for use in a notebook.
New functions
for interactive visualization of maps on the cortical surface in a web browser.New functions
for interactive visualization of connectomes and seed locations in 3DNew function
for interactive visualization of volumes with 3 orthogonal cuts.
- Note
was nilearn.plotting.view_stat_map in alpha and beta releases.
for extraction of coordinates on brain parcellations denoted as labels.Added
for extraction of coordinates on brain probabilistic maps.
- Minimum supported versions of packages have been bumped up.
scikit-learn – v0.18
scipy – v0.17
pandas – v0.18
numpy – v1.11
matplotlib – v1.5.1
- Nilearn Python2 support is being removed in the near future.
Users with a Python2 environment will be warned at their first Nilearn import.
Additional dataset downloaders for examples and tutorials.
now accepts a mask to restrict the cleaning of the image, reducing memory load and computation time.NiftiMaskers now have a dtype parameter, by default keeping the same data type as the input data.
Displays by plotting functions can now add a scale bar (see Plotting brain images)
Lots of other fixes in documentation and examples.
A cleaner layout and improved navigation for the website, with a better introduction.
Dataset fetchers are now more reliable, less verbose.
Searchlight().fit() now accepts 4D niimgs.
Anaconda link in the installation documentation updated.
Scipy is listed as a dependency for Nilearn installation.
Notable Changes¶
Default value of t_r in
is None and cannot be None if low_pass or high_pass is specified.
Lots of changes and improvements. Detailed change list for each release follows.
0.5.0 rc¶
(formerly nilearn.plotting.view_stat_map in Nilearn 0.5.0 pre-release versions) generates significantly smaller notebooks and HTML pages while getting a more consistent look and feel with Nilearn’s plotting functions. Huge shout out to Pierre Bellec (pbellec) for making a great feature awesome and for sportingly accommodating all our feedback.
now accepts a mask to restrict the cleaning ofthe image. This approach can help to reduce the memory load and computation time. Big thanks to Michael Notter (miykael).
is now using the brainsprite.js library, which results in much smaller notebooks or html pages. The interactive viewer also looks more similar to the plots generated bynilearn.plotting.plot_stat_map
, and most parameters found in plot_stat_map are now supported in view_img.nilearn.image.clean_img
now accepts a mask to restrict the cleaning of the image. This approach can help to reduce the memory load and computation time.nilearn.decoding.SpaceNetRegressor.fit
raises a meaningful error in regression tasks if the target Y contains all 1s.
Default value of t_r in
is changed from 2.5 to None. If low_pass or high_pass is specified, then t_r needs to be specified as well otherwise it will raise an error.Order of filters in
has changed to detrend, low- and high-pass filter, remove confounds and standardize. To ensure orthogonality between temporal filter and confound removal, an additional temporal filter will be applied on the confounds before removing them. This is according to Lindquist et al. (2018).nilearn.image.clean_img
now accepts a mask to restrict the cleaning of the image. This approach can help to reduce the memory load and computation time.nilearn.plotting.view_img
is now using the brainsprite.js library, which results in much smaller notebooks or html pages. The interactive viewer also looks more similar to the plots generated bynilearn.plotting.plot_stat_map
, and most parameters found in plot_stat_map are now supported in view_img.
The following people contributed to this release:
15 Gael Varoquaux
114 Pierre Bellec
30 Michael Notter
28 Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
4 Kamalakar Daddy
4 himanshupathak21061998
1 Horea Christian
7 Jerome Dockes
0.5.0 beta¶
Nilearn Python2 support is being removed in the near future. Users with a Python2 environment will be warned at their first Nilearn import.
- Displays created by plotting functions can now add a scale bar
to indicate the size in mm or cm (see Plotting brain images), contributed by Oscar Esteban
- Colorbars in plotting functions now have a middle gray background
suitable for use with custom colormaps with a non-unity alpha channel. Contributed by Eric Larson (larsoner)
Loads of fixes and quality of life improvements
A cleaner layout and improved navigation for the website, with a better introduction.
Less warnings and verbosity while using certain functions and during dataset downloads.
Improved backend for the dataset fetchers means more reliable dataset downloads.
Some datasets, such as the ICBM, are now compressed to take up less disk space.
Searchlight().fit() now accepts 4D niimgs. Contributed by Dan Gale (danjgale).
plotting.view_markers.open_in_browser() in js_plotting_utils fixed
Brainomics dataset has been replaced in several examples.
Lots of other fixes in documentation and examples.
In nilearn.regions.img_to_signals_labels, the See Also section in documentation now also points to NiftiLabelsMasker and NiftiMapsMasker
Scipy is listed as a dependency for Nilearn installation.
Anaconda link in the installation documentation updated.
The following people contributed to this release:
58 Gael Varoquaux
115 Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
15 Jerome Dockes
14 oesteban
10 Eric Larson
6 Kamalakar Daddy
3 Bertrand Thirion
5 Alexandre Abadie
4 Sourav Singh
3 Alex Rothberg
3 AnaLu
3 Demian Wassermann
3 Horea Christian
3 Jason Gors
3 Jean Remi King
3 SRSteinkamp
3 Simon Steinkamp
3 jerome-alexis_chevalier
3 salma
3 sfvnMAC
2 Akshay
2 Daniel Gomez
2 Guillaume Lemaitre
2 Pierre Bellec
2 arokem
2 erramuzpe
2 foucault
2 jehane
1 Sylvain LANNUZEL
1 Aki Nikolaidis
1 Christophe Bedetti
1 Dan Gale
1 Dillon Plunkett
1 Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
1 Greg Operto
1 Ivan Gonzalez
1 Yaroslav Halchenko
1 dtyulman
0.5.0 alpha¶
This is an alpha release: to download it, you need to explicitly ask for the version number:
pip install nilearn==0.5.0a0
- Minimum supported versions of packages have been bumped up.
scikit-learn – v0.18
scipy – v0.17
pandas – v0.18
numpy – v1.11
matplotlib – v1.5.1
New interactive plotting functions, eg for use in a notebook.
All NiftiMaskers now have a dtype argument. For now the default behaviour is to keep the same data type as the input data.
Displays created by plotting functions can now add a scale bar to indicate the size in mm or cm (see Plotting brain images), contributed by Oscar Esteban
New functions
for interactive visualization of maps on the cortical surface in a web browser.New functions
to visualize connectomes and seed locations in 3DNew function nilearn.plotting.view_stat_map (renamed to
in stable release) for interactive visualization of volumes with 3 orthogonal cuts.Add
to download either fsaverage or fsaverage 5 (Freesurfer cortical meshes).Added
to download a recent subcortical neuroimaging atlas.Added
for extraction of coordinates on brain parcellations denoted as labels.Added
for extraction of coordinates on brain probabilistic maps.Added
for simple example data.
nilearn.datasets.fetch_surf_fsaverage5 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use
, with the parameter mesh=”fsaverage5” (the default) instead.fsaverage5 surface data files are now shipped directly with Nilearn. Look to issue #1705 for discussion.
sklearn.cross_validation and sklearn.grid_search have been replaced by sklearn.model_selection in all the examples.
Colorbars in plotting functions now have a middle gray background suitable for use with custom colormaps with a non-unity alpha channel.
The following people contributed to this release:
49 Gael Varoquaux
180 Jerome Dockes
57 Kshitij Chawla (kchawla-pi)
38 SylvainLan
36 Kamalakar Daddy
10 Gilles de Hollander
4 Bertrand Thirion
4 MENUET Romuald
3 Moritz Boos
1 Peer Herholz
1 Pierre Bellec
Few important bugs fix release for OHBM conference.
Default colormaps for surface plotting functions have changed to be more consistent with slice plotting.
now uses “cold_hot”, asnilearn.plotting.plot_stat_map
does, andnilearn.plotting.plot_surf_roi
now uses “gist_ncar”, asnilearn.plotting.plot_roi
does.Improve 3D surface plotting: lock the aspect ratio of the plots and reduce the whitespace around the plots.
Bug fixes¶
Fix bug with input repetition time (TR) which had no effect in signal cleaning. Fixed by Pradeep Raamana.
Fix issues with signal extraction on list of 3D images in
.Fix issues with raising AttributeError rather than HTTPError in datasets fetching utilities. By Jerome Dockes.
Fix issues in datasets testing function uncompression of files. By Pierre Glaser.
This bug fix release is focussed on few bug fixes and minor developments.
has new attribute components_img_ providing directly the components learned as a Nifti image. This avoids the step of unmasking the attribute components_ which is true for older versions.New object
for learning brain parcellations on fmri data.Add optional reordering of the matrix using a argument reorder with
This feature is usable only if SciPy version is >= 1.0.0
Using output attribute components_ which is an extracted components in
is deprecated and will be removed in next two releases. Use components_img_ instead.
Bug fixes¶
Fix issues using
when string is passed in node_color with display modes left and right hemispheric cuts in the glass brain.Fix bug while plotting only coordinates using add_markers on glass brain. See issue #1595
Fix issues with estimators in decomposition module when input images are given in glob patterns.
Fix bug loading Nifti2Images.
Fix bug while adjusting contrast of the background template while using
Fix colormap bug with recent matplotlib 2.2.0
to project volume data to the surface.
to display matrices, eg connectomes
New function
to project a 3d or 4d brain volume on the cortical surface.New matrix plotting function, eg to display connectome matrices:
for end users. Useful to transform coordinates (x, y, z) from one image space to another space.
now takes a linear resampling option (implemented by Joe Necus)
to fetch the Talairach atlas (http://talairach.org)Enhancing new surface plotting functions, added new parameters “axes” and “figure” to accept user-specified instances in
has new parameter “groups” to do LeaveOneGroupOut type cv with new scikit-learn module model selection.Enhancing the glass brain plotting in back view ‘y’ direction.
New parameter “resampling_interpolation” is added in most used plotting functions to have user control for faster visualizations.
Upgraded to Sphinx-Gallery 0.1.11
Bug fixes¶
Dimming factor applied to background image in plotting functions with “dim” parameter will no longer accepts as string (‘-1’). An error will be raised.
Fixed issues with matplotlib 2.1.0.
Fixed issues with SciPy 1.0.0.
Backward incompatible change:
now takes a mask_img argument which is a niimg, rather than a mask argument, which used to be a numpy array.The minimum required version for scipy is now 0.14
Dropped support for Nibabel older than 2.0.2.
no longer accepts smoothing parameter fwhm as 0. Behavior is changed in according to the issues with recent SciPy version 1.0.0.“dim” factor range is slightly increased to -2 to 2 from -1 to 1. Range exceeding -1 meaning more increase in constrast should be cautiously set.
New ‘anterior’ and ‘posterior’ view added to the plot_surf family views
Using argument anat_img for placing background image in
is deprecated. Use argument bg_img instead.The examples now use pandas for the behavioral information.
The following people contributed to this release:
127 Jerome Dockes
62 Gael Varoquaux
36 Kamalakar Daddy
11 Jeff Chiang
9 Elizabeth DuPre
9 Jona Sassenhagen
7 Sylvain Lan
6 J Necus
5 Pierre-Olivier Quirion
3 AnaLu
3 Jean Remi King
3 Salma Bougacha
3 sfvnMAC
2 Eric Larson
2 Horea Christian
2 Moritz Boos
1 Alex Rothberg
1 Bertrand Thirion
1 Christophe Bedetti
1 John Griffiths
1 Mehdi Rahim
1 Sylvain LANNUZEL
1 Yaroslav Halchenko
1 clfs
This is a minor release for BrainHack.
Dropped support for scikit-learn older than 0.14.1 Minimum supported version is now 0.15.
The function sym_to_vec is deprecated and will be removed in release 0.4. Use
instead.Added argument smoothing_fwhm to
to control smoothing according to the resolution of atlas images.
Bug fix¶
The helper function largest_connected_component should now work with inputs of non-native data dtypes.
Fix plotting issues when non-finite values are present in background anatomical image.
A workaround to handle non-native endianess in the Nifti images passed to resampling the image.
New data fetcher functions
help you download statistical maps from the Neurovault (http://neurovault.org) platform.New function
reshapes vectors to symmetric matrices. It acts as the reverse of functionnilearn.connectome.sym_matrix_to_vec
.Add an option allowing to vectorize connectivity matrices returned by the “transform” method of
now exposes an “inverse_transform” method, useful for going back from vectorized connectivity coefficients to connectivity matrices. Also, it allows to recover the covariance matrices for the “tangent” kind.Reworking and renaming of connectivity measures example. Renamed from plot_connectivity_measures to plot_group_level_connectivity.
Tighter bounding boxes when using add_contours for plotting.
to directly extract the largest connected component from Nifti images.Improvements in plotting, decoding and functional connectivity examples.
In addition, more details of this release are listed below. Please checkout in 0.3.0 beta release section for minimum version support of dependencies, latest updates, highlights, changelog and enhancements.
now supports to accept Nifti1Image as an input for argument img.Helper functions _get_mask_volume and _adjust_screening_percentile are now moved to param_validation file in utilties module to be used in common with Decoder object.
Bug fix¶
Fix bug uncompressing tar files with datasets fetcher.
Fixed bunch of CircleCI documentation build failures.
Fixed deprecations set_axis_bgcolor related to matplotlib in plotting functions.
Fixed bug related to not accepting a list of arrays as an input to unmask, in masking module.
ANOVA SVM example on Haxby datasets plot_haxby_anova_svm in Decoding section now uses SelectPercentile to select voxels rather than SelectKBest.
New function fast_svd implementation in base decomposition module to Automatically switch between randomized and lapack SVD (heuristic of scikit-learn).
0.3.0 beta¶
To install the beta version, use:
pip install --upgrade --pre nilearn
Simple surface plotting
A function to break a parcellation into its connected components
Dropped support for scikit-learn older than 0.14.1 Minimum supported version is now 0.14.1.
Dropped support for Python 2.6
Minimum required version of NiBabel is now 1.2.0, to support loading annoted data with freesurfer.
A helper function _safe_get_data as a nilearn utility now safely removes NAN values in the images with argument ensure_finite=True.
Connectome functions
can now be used.
Bug fix¶
Fix colormap issue with colorbar=True when using qualitative colormaps Fixed in according with changes of matplotlib 2.0 fixes.
Fix plotting functions to work with NAN values in the images.
Fix bug related get dtype of the images with nibabel get_data().
Fix bug in nilearn clean_img
A new function
to extract the connected components represented as same label to regions apart with each region labelled as unique label.New plotting modules for surface plotting visualization. Matplotlib with version higher 1.3.1 is required for plotting surface data using these functions.
can be used for plotting surfaces mesh data with optional background.A function
can be used for plotting statistical maps on a brain surface with optional background.A function
can be used for plotting statistical maps rois onto brain surface.A function nilearn.datasets.fetch_surf_fsaverage5 can be used for surface data object to be as background map for the above plotting functions.
A new data fetcher function
can give you Destrieux et. al 2010 cortical atlas in fsaverage5 surface space.A new functional data fetcher function
gives you resting state data preprocessed and projected to fsaverage5 surface space.Two good examples in plotting gallery shows how to fetch atlas and NKI data and used for plotting on brain surface.
Helper function load_surf_mesh in surf_plotting module for loading surface mesh data into two arrays, containing (x, y, z) coordinates for mesh vertices and indices of mesh faces.
Helper function load_surf_data in surf_plotting module for loading data of numpy array to represented on a surface mesh.
Add fetcher for Allen et al. 2011 RSN atlas in
.A function
is now updated to new light release of COBRE data (schizophrenia)A new example to show how to extract regions on labels image in example section manipulating images.
coveralls is replaces with codecov
Upgraded to Sphinx version 0.1.7
Extensive plotting example shows how to use contours and filled contours on glass brain.
This release enhances usage of several functions by fine tuning their parameters. It allows to select which Haxby subject to fetch. It also refactors documentation to make it easier to understand. Sphinx-gallery has been updated and nilearn is ready for new nibabel 2.1 version. Several bugs related to masks in Searchlight and ABIDE fetching have been resolved.
Bug fix¶
Change default dtype in
to be the original type of the data (see #1238).Fix SearchLight that did not run without process_mask or with one voxel mask.
Fix flipping of left hemisphere when plotting glass brain.
Fix bug when downloading ABIDE timeseries
Sphinx-gallery updated to version 0.1.3.
Refactoring of examples and documentation.
Better ordering of regions in
.Remove outdated power atlas example.
API changes summary¶
The parameter ‘n_subjects’ is deprecated and will be removed in future release. Use ‘subjects’ instead in
.The function
will now fetch the data accepting input given in ‘subjects’ as a list than integer.Replace get_affine by affine with recent versions of nibabel.¶
This is a bugfix release. The new minimum required version of scikit-learn is 0.14.1
API changes summary¶
default option for dim argument in plotting functions which uses MNI template as a background image is now changed to ‘auto’ mode. Meaning that an automatic contrast setting on background image is applied by default.
Scikit-learn validation tools have been imported and are now used to check consistency of input data, in SpaceNet for example.
New features¶
Add an option to select only off-diagonal elements in sym_to_vec. Also, the scaling of matrices is modified: we divide the diagonal by sqrt(2) instead of multiplying the off-diagonal elements.
Connectivity examples rely on
Bug fix¶
Scipy 0.18 introduces a bug in a corner-case of resampling. Nilearn 0.2.5 can give wrong results with scipy 0.18, but this is fixed in 0.2.6.
Broken links and references fixed in docs
The 0.2.5 release includes plotting for connectomes and glass brain with hemisphere-specific projection, as well as more didactic examples and improved documentation.
New features¶
New display_mode options in
. It is possible to plot right and left hemisphere projections separately.A function to load canonical brain mask image in MNI template space,
A function to load brain grey matter mask image,
New function
loads data from a filename or a list of filenames.New function
applies the cleaning functionnilearn.signal.clean
on all voxels.New simple data downloader
to simplify some examples.The dataset function
can now download a specific list of subjects rather than a range of subjects.New function
to check where nilearn downloads data.
Contributors (from git shortlog -ns 0.2.4..0.2.5
55 Gael Varoquaux
39 Alexandre Abraham
26 Martin Perez-Guevara
20 Kamalakar Daddy
8 amadeuskanaan
3 Alexandre Abadie
3 Arthur Mensch
3 Elvis Dohmatob
3 Loïc Estève
2 Jerome Dockes
1 Alexandre M. S
1 Bertrand Thirion
1 Ivan Gonzalez
1 robbisg
The 0.2.4 is a small release focused on documentation for teaching.
New features¶
The path given to the “memory” argument of object now have their “~” expanded to the homedir
Display object created by plotting now uniformely expose an “add_markers” method.
plotting plot_connectome with colorbar is now implemented in function
New function
to resample one img on another one (just resampling / interpolation, no coregistration)
API changes summary¶
Atlas fetcher
now returns directly labels of the regions in output variable ‘labels’ and its coordinates in output variable ‘region_coords’ and its type of network in ‘networks’.The output variable name ‘regions’ is now changed to ‘maps’ in AAL atlas fetcher in
.AAL atlas now returns directly its labels in variable ‘labels’ and its index values in variable ‘indices’.
The 0.2.3 is a small feature release for BrainHack 2016.
New features¶
Mathematical formulas based on numpy functions can be applied on an image or a list of images using
.Downloader for COBRE datasets of 146 rest fMRI subjects with
Downloader for Dosenbach atlas
Fetcher for multiscale functional brain parcellations (BASC)
Bug fixes¶
Better dimming on white background for plotting
The 0.2.2 is a bugfix + dependency update release (for sphinx gallery). It aims at preparing a renewal of the tutorials.
New features¶
Fetcher for Megatrawl Netmats dataset.
Flake8 is now run on pull requests.
Reworking of the documentation organization.
Sphinx-gallery updated to version 0.1.1
The default n_subjects=None in
is now changed to n_subjects=30.
Bug fixes¶
Fix symmetric_split behavior in
Fix casting errors when providing integer data to
Fix matplotlib 1.5.0 compatibility in
Fix matplotlib backend choice on Mac OS X.
raises a meaningful error when 4D data is provided instead of 3D.
handles radius smaller than the size of a voxel
handles data containing Nans.Confound regression does not force systematically the normalization of the confounds.
Force time series normalization in
and check dimensionality of the input.nilearn._utils.numpy_conversions.csv_to_array could consider valid CSV files as invalid.
API changes summary¶
Deprecated dataset downloading function have been removed.
Download progression message refreshing rate has been lowered to sparsify CircleCI logs.
Contributors (from git shortlog -ns 0.2.1..0.2.2
39 Kamalakar Daddy
22 Alexandre Abraham
21 Loïc Estève
19 Gael Varoquaux
12 Alexandre Abadie
7 Salma
3 Danilo Bzdok
1 Arthur Mensch
1 Ben Cipollini
1 Elvis Dohmatob
1 Óscar Nájera
Small bugfix for more flexible input types (targetter in particular at making code easier in nistats).
The new minimum required version of scikit-learn is 0.13
New features¶
The new module
now has classnilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure
can be useful for computing functional connectivity matrices.The function nilearn.connectome.sym_to_vec in same module
is also implemented as a helper function tonilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure
.The class
is a decomposition method similar to ICA that imposes sparsity on components instead of independence between them.Integrating back references template from sphinx-gallery of 0.0.11 version release.
Globbing expressions can now be used in all nilearn functions expecting a list of files.
The new module
now has classnilearn.regions.RegionExtractor
which can be used for post processing brain regions of interest extraction.The function
is also implemented as a helper function tonilearn.regions.RegionExtractor
.The function
is implemented to use it for thresholding statistical maps.
Making website a bit elaborated & modernise by using sphinx-gallery.
Documentation enhancement by integrating sphinx-gallery notebook style examples.
Documentation about
Bug fixes¶
Fixed bug to control the behaviour when cut_coords=0. in function
. See issue # 784.Fixed bug in
occured while caching the Nifti images. See issue # 793.Fixed bug causing an IndexError in fast_abs_percentile. See issue # 875
API changes summary¶
The utilities in function group_sparse_covariance has been moved into
.The default value for number of cuts (n_cuts) in function
has been changed from 12 to 7 i.e. n_cuts=7.
Contributors (from git shortlog -ns 0.1.4..0.2.0
822 Elvis Dohmatob
142 Gael Varoquaux
119 Alexandre Abraham
90 Loïc Estève
85 Kamalakar Daddy
65 Alexandre Abadie
43 Chris Filo Gorgolewski
29 Danilo Bzdok
20 Martin Perez-Guevara
19 Mehdi Rahim
19 Óscar Nájera
17 martin
8 Arthur Mensch
8 Ben Cipollini
4 ainafp
4 juhuntenburg
2 Martin_Perez_Guevara
2 Michael Hanke
2 arokem
1 Bertrand Thirion
1 Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
NiftiSpheresMasker: extract signals from balls specified by their coordinates
Obey Debian packaging rules
Add the Destrieux 2009 and Power 2011 atlas
Better caching in maskers
Contributors (from git shortlog -ns 0.1.3..0.1.4
141 Alexandre Abraham
15 Gael Varoquaux
10 Loïc Estève
2 Arthur Mensch
2 Danilo Bzdok
2 Michael Hanke
1 Mehdi Rahim
The 0.1.3 release is a bugfix release that fixes a lot of minor bugs. It also includes a full rewamp of the documentation, and support for Python 3.
Minimum version of supported packages are now:
numpy 1.6.1
scipy 0.9.0
scikit-learn 0.12.1
Matplotlib 1.1.1 (optional)
A non exhaustive list of issues fixed:
Dealing with NaNs in plot_connectome
Fix extreme values in colorbar were sometimes brok
Fix confounds removal with single confounds
Fix frequency filtering
Keep header information in images
add_overlay finds vmin and vmax automatically
vmin and vmax support in plot_connectome
detrending 3D images no longer puts them to zero
Contributors (from git shortlog -ns 0.1.2..0.1.3
129 Alexandre Abraham
67 Loïc Estève
57 Gael Varoquaux
44 Ben Cipollini
37 Danilo Bzdok
20 Elvis Dohmatob
14 Óscar Nájera
8 Alexandre Gramfort
7 Kamalakar Daddy
3 Demian Wassermann
1 Bertrand Thirion
The main change compared to 0.1 is the addition of connectome plotting via the nilearn.plotting.plot_connectome function. See the plotting documentation for more details.
Contributors (from git shortlog -ns 0.1..0.1.1
81 Loïc Estève
18 Alexandre Abraham
18 Danilo Bzdok
14 Ben Cipollini
2 Gaël Varoquaux
First release of nilearn.
Contributors (from git shortlog -ns 0.1
600 Gaël Varoquaux
483 Alexandre Abraham
302 Loïc Estève
254 Philippe Gervais
122 Virgile Fritsch
83 Michael Eickenberg
59 Jean Kossaifi
57 Jaques Grobler
46 Danilo Bzdok
35 Chris Filo Gorgolewski
28 Ronald Phlypo
25 Ben Cipollini
15 Bertrand Thirion
13 Alexandre Gramfort
12 Fabian Pedregosa
11 Yannick Schwartz
9 Mehdi Rahim
7 Óscar Nájera
6 Elvis Dohmatob
4 Konstantin Shmelkov
3 Jason Gors
3 Salma Bougacha
1 Alexandre Savio
1 Jan Margeta
1 Matthias Ekman
1 Michael Waskom
1 Vincent Michel