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8.7.2. nilearn.masking.compute_multi_epi_mask¶
(epi_imgs, lower_cutoff=0.2, upper_cutoff=0.85, connected=True, opening=2, threshold=0.5, target_affine=None, target_shape=None, exclude_zeros=False, n_jobs=1, memory=None, verbose=0)¶Compute a common mask for several sessions or subjects of fMRI data.
Uses the mask-finding algorithms to extract masks for each session or subject, and then keep only the main connected component of the a given fraction of the intersection of all the masks.
- Parameters
- epi_imgs: list of Niimg-like objects
See A list of arrays, each item being a subject or a session. 3D and 4D images are accepted. If 3D images is given, we suggest to use the mean image of each session
- threshold: float, optional
the inter-session threshold: the fraction of the total number of session in for which a voxel must be in the mask to be kept in the common mask. threshold=1 corresponds to keeping the intersection of all masks, whereas threshold=0 is the union of all masks.
- lower_cutoff: float, optional
lower fraction of the histogram to be discarded.
- upper_cutoff: float, optional
upper fraction of the histogram to be discarded.
- connected: bool, optional
if connected is True, only the largest connect component is kept.
- exclude_zeros: boolean, optional
Consider zeros as missing values for the computation of the threshold. This option is useful if the images have been resliced with a large padding of zeros.
- target_affine: 3x3 or 4x4 matrix, optional
This parameter is passed to image.resample_img. Please see the related documentation for details.
- target_shape: 3-tuple of integers, optional
This parameter is passed to image.resample_img. Please see the related documentation for details.
- memory: instance of joblib.Memory or string
Used to cache the function call.
- n_jobs: integer, optional
The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means ‘all CPUs’.
- Returns
- mask3D nibabel.Nifti1Image
The brain mask.