
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.

8.12.13. nilearn.glm.cluster_level_inference

nilearn.glm.cluster_level_inference(stat_img, mask_img=None, threshold=3.0, alpha=0.05, verbose=False)

Report the proportion of active voxels for all clusters defined by the input threshold.


stat_img : Niimg-like object or None, optional

statistical image (presumably in z scale)

mask_img : Niimg-like object, optional,

mask image

threshold: list of floats, optional

cluster-forming threshold in z-scale.

alpha: float or list, optional

level of control on the true positive rate, aka true dsicovery proportion

verbose: bool, optional

verbosity mode


proportion_true_discoveries_img: Nifti1Image,

the statistical map that gives the true positive Examples using nilearn.glm.cluster_level_inference