
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the user guide for the big picture.

8.2.43. nilearn.datasets.select_from_index

nilearn.datasets.select_from_index(urls, inclusion_filters=None, exclusion_filters=None, n_subjects=None)

Select subset of urls with given filters.


urls: list of str

List of dataset urls obtained from index download

inclusion_filters: list of str, optional

List of unix shell-style wildcard strings that will be used to filter the url list. If a filter matches the url it is retained for download. Multiple filters work on top of each other. Like an “and” logical operator, creating a more restrictive query. Inclusion and exclusion filters apply together. For example the filter ‘task-rest’’ would keep only urls that contain the ‘task-rest’ string.

exclusion_filters: list of str, optional

List of unix shell-style wildcard strings that will be used to filter the url list. If a filter matches the url it is discarded for download. Multiple filters work on top of each other. Like an “and” logical operator, creating a more restrictive query. Inclusion and exclusion filters apply together. For example the filter ‘task-rest’ would discard all urls that contain the ‘task-rest’ string.

n_subjects: int, optional

number of subjects to download from the dataset. All by default.


urls: list of string

Sorted list of filtered dataset directories Examples using nilearn.datasets.select_from_index