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8.2.12. nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_pauli_2017¶
(version='prob', data_dir=None, verbose=1)¶Download the Pauli et al. (2017) atlas with in total 12 subcortical nodes.
Parameters: version: str, optional (default=’prob’)
Which version of the atlas should be download. This can be ‘prob’ for the probabilistic atlas or ‘det’ for the deterministic atlas.
data_dir : str, optional (default=None)
Path of the data directory. Used to force data storage in a specified location.
verbose : int
verbosity level (0 means no message).
Returns: sklearn.datasets.base.Bunch
Dictionary-like object, contains:
- maps: 3D Nifti image, values are indices in the list of labels.
- labels: list of strings. Starts with ‘Background’.
- description: a short description of the atlas and some references.
Pauli, W. M., Nili, A. N., & Tyszka, J. M. (2018). A high-resolution probabilistic in vivo atlas of human subcortical brain nuclei. Scientific Data, 5, 180063-13.`