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8.2.11. nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_allen_2011¶
(data_dir=None, url=None, resume=True, verbose=1)¶Download and return file names for the Allen and MIALAB ICA atlas (dated 2011).
The provided images are in MNI152 space.
Parameters: data_dir: str, optional
directory where data should be downloaded and unpacked.
url: str, optional
url of file to download.
resume: bool
whether to resumed download of a partly-downloaded file.
verbose: int
verbosity level (0 means no message).
Returns: data: sklearn.datasets.base.Bunch
dictionary-like object, keys are:
- “maps”: T-maps of all 75 unthresholded components.
- “rsn28”: T-maps of 28 RSNs included in E. Allen et al.
- “networks”: string list containing the names for the 28 RSNs.
- “rsn_indices”: dict[rsn_name] -> list of int, indices in the “maps” file of the 28 RSNs.
- “comps”: The aggregate ICA Components.
- “description”: details about the data release.
Licence: unknown
See for more information on this dataset.
E. Allen, et al, “A baseline for the multivariate comparison of resting state networks,” Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, vol. 5, p. 12, 2011.