: Data Masking Utilities#
Utilities to compute and operate on brain masks.
User guide: See the Masking the data: from 4D image to 2D array section for further details.
| Compute a brain mask from fMRI data in 3D or 4D |
| Compute a common mask for several runs or subjects of fMRI data. |
| Compute the whole-brain, grey-matter or white-matter mask. |
| Compute the whole-brain, grey-matter or white-matter mask for a list of images. |
| Compute a brain mask for the images by guessing the value of the background from the border of the image. |
| Compute a common mask for several runs or subjects of data. |
| Compute intersection of several masks. |
| Extract signals from images using specified mask. |
| Take masked data and bring them back into 3D/4D. |