A short demo of the surface images & maskers#

copied from the nilearn sandbox discussion, to be transformed into tests & examples

NOTE this example is meant to support discussion around a tentative API for surface images in nilearn. This functionality is provided by the nilearn.experimental.surface module; it is still incomplete and subject to change without a deprecation cycle. Please participate in the discussion on GitHub!

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from nilearn import plotting
from nilearn.experimental import surface

def plot_surf_img(
    img: surface.SurfaceImage,
    parts: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
    mesh: Optional[surface.PolyMesh] = None,
) -> plt.Figure:
    if mesh is None:
        mesh = img.mesh
    if parts is None:
        parts = list(img.data.keys())
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(
        subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"},
        figsize=(4 * len(parts), 4),
    for ax, mesh_part in zip(axes, parts):
    assert isinstance(fig, plt.Figure)
    return fig

img = surface.fetch_nki()[0]
print(f"NKI image: {img}")

masker = surface.SurfaceMasker()
masked_data = masker.fit_transform(img)
print(f"Masked data shape: {masked_data.shape}")

mean_data = masked_data.mean(axis=0)
mean_img = masker.inverse_transform(mean_data)
print(f"Image mean: {mean_img}")

left_hemisphere, right_hemisphere
/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/nilearn/experimental/__init__.py:10: UserWarning:

All features in the nilearn.experimental module are experimental and subject to change. They are included in the nilearn package to gather early feedback from users about prototypes of new features. Changes may break backwards compatibility without prior notice or a deprecation cycle. Moreover, some features may be incomplete or may have been tested less thoroughly than the rest of the library.

NKI image: <SurfaceImage (895, 20484)>
Masked data shape: (895, 20484)
Image mean: <SurfaceImage (20484,)>

### Connectivity with a surface atlas and SurfaceLabelsMasker

from nilearn import connectome, plotting

img = surface.fetch_nki()[0]
print(f"NKI image: {img}")

labels_img, label_names = surface.fetch_destrieux()
print(f"Destrieux image: {labels_img}")
plot_surf_img(labels_img, cmap="gist_ncar", avg_method="median")

labels_masker = surface.SurfaceLabelsMasker(labels_img, label_names).fit()
masked_data = labels_masker.transform(img)
print(f"Masked data shape: {masked_data.shape}")

connectome = (
plotting.plot_matrix(connectome, labels=labels_masker.label_names_)

  • left_hemisphere, right_hemisphere
  • plot surface image and maskers
NKI image: <SurfaceImage (895, 20484)>
Destrieux image: <SurfaceImage (20484,)>
Masked data shape: (895, 75)
/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/nilearn/connectome/connectivity_matrices.py:509: FutureWarning:

The default strategy for standardize is currently 'zscore' which incorrectly uses population std to calculate sample zscores. The new strategy 'zscore_sample' corrects this behavior by using the sample std. In release 0.13, the default strategy will be replaced by the new strategy and the 'zscore' option will be removed. Please use 'zscore_sample' instead.

### Using the Decoder

import numpy as np

from nilearn import decoding, plotting
from nilearn._utils import param_validation

The following is just disabling a couple of checks performed by the decoder that would force us to use a NiftiMasker.

def monkeypatch_masker_checks():
    def adjust_screening_percentile(screening_percentile, *args, **kwargs):
        return screening_percentile

    param_validation._adjust_screening_percentile = adjust_screening_percentile

    def check_embedded_nifti_masker(estimator, *args, **kwargs):
        return estimator.mask

    decoding.decoder._check_embedded_nifti_masker = check_embedded_nifti_masker


Now using the appropriate masker we can use a Decoder on surface data just as we do for volume images.

img = surface.fetch_nki()[0]
y = np.random.RandomState(0).choice([0, 1], replace=True, size=img.shape[0])

decoder = decoding.Decoder(
    param_grid={"C": [0.01, 0.1]},
decoder.fit(img, y)
print("CV scores:", decoder.cv_scores_)

plot_surf_img(decoder.coef_img_[0], threshold=1e-6)
left_hemisphere, right_hemisphere
/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/feature_selection/_univariate_selection.py:112: UserWarning:

Features [    8    36    38 ... 20206 20207 20208] are constant.

/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/feature_selection/_univariate_selection.py:113: RuntimeWarning:

invalid value encountered in divide

/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/feature_selection/_univariate_selection.py:112: UserWarning:

Features [    8    36    38 ... 20206 20207 20208] are constant.

/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/feature_selection/_univariate_selection.py:113: RuntimeWarning:

invalid value encountered in divide

/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/feature_selection/_univariate_selection.py:112: UserWarning:

Features [    8    36    38 ... 20206 20207 20208] are constant.

/home/remi/github/nilearn/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sklearn/feature_selection/_univariate_selection.py:113: RuntimeWarning:

invalid value encountered in divide

CV scores: {0: [0.4991939095387371, 0.5115891053391053, 0.4847132034632034], 1: [0.4991939095387371, 0.5115891053391053, 0.4847132034632034]}

### Decoding with a scikit-learn Pipeline

import numpy as np
from sklearn import feature_selection, linear_model, pipeline, preprocessing

from nilearn import plotting

img = surface.fetch_nki()[0]
y = np.random.RandomState(0).normal(size=img.shape[0])

decoder = pipeline.make_pipeline(
        score_func=feature_selection.f_regression, k=500
decoder.fit(img, y)

coef_img = decoder[:-1].inverse_transform(np.atleast_2d(decoder[-1].coef_))

vmax = max([np.absolute(dp).max() for dp in coef_img.data.values()])
left_hemisphere, right_hemisphere

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 32.880 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 1433 MB

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