: Plotting Brain Data#
Plotting code for nilearn
| Find 'good' cross-section slicing positions along a given axis. |
| Find the center of the largest activation connected component. |
| Return coordinates of center of mass of 3D parcellation atlas. |
| Return coordinates of center probabilistic atlas 4D image. |
| Plot cuts of an anatomical image (by default 3 cuts: Frontal, Axial, and Lateral) |
| Plot cuts of a given image (by default Frontal, Axial, and Lateral) |
| Plot cuts of an EPI image (by default 3 cuts: Frontal, Axial, and Lateral) |
| Plot the given matrix. |
| Plot cuts of an ROI/mask image (by default 3 cuts: Frontal, Axial, and Lateral) |
| Plot cuts of an ROI/mask image (by default 3 cuts: Frontal, Axial, and Lateral) |
| Plot 2d projections of an ROI/mask image (by default 3 projections: Frontal, Axial, and Lateral). |
| Plot connectome on top of the brain glass schematics. |
| Plot network nodes (markers) on top of the brain glass schematics. |
| Plot the probabilistic atlases onto the anatomical image by default MNI template |
| Plot an image representation of voxel intensities across time. |
| Plotting of surfaces with optional background and data |
| Plotting ROI on a surface mesh with optional background |
| Plotting contours of ROIs on a surface, optionally over a statistical map. |
| Plotting a stats map on a surface mesh with optional background |
| Convenience function to plot multiple views of plot_surf_stat_map in a single figure. |
| Creates plots to compare two lists of images and measure correlation. |
| Plot a design matrix provided as a |
| Creates plot for event visualization. |
| Creates plot for contrast definition. |
| Insert a surface plot of a surface map into an HTML page. |
| Insert a surface plot of a statistical map into an HTML page. |
| Insert a 3d plot of a connectome into an HTML page. |
| Insert a 3d plot of markers in a brain into an HTML page. |
| Interactive html viewer of a statistical map, with optional background. |
| Show all the figures generated by nilearn and/or matplotlib. |
: Interacting with figures#
Display objects and utilities.
These objects are returned by plotting functions from the plotting
| Retrieve a projector from a given display mode. |
| Retrieve a slicer from a given display mode. |
| A class to create linked axes for plotting orthogonal projections of 3D maps. |
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| An MPL axis-like object that displays a 2D view of 3D volumes. |
| An MPL axis-like object that displays a cut of 3D volumes. |
| An MPL axis-like object that displays a 2D projection of 3D volumes with a schematic view of the brain. |
| BaseSlicer implementation which main purpose is to auto adjust the axes size to the data with different layout of cuts. |
| A class to create 3 linked axes for plotting orthogonal cuts of 3D maps. |
| Implementation of a surface figure obtained with plotly engine. |
| A class to create 3 axes for plotting orthogonal cuts of 3D maps, organized in a 2x2 grid. |
| A class to create 3 |
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